Page 66 of My First Kiss
I laugh aloud this time before leaning over the table toward him. "I don't think it's a shock to you that I had an amazing time last night. Was I expecting that? No. Do I regret anything about it? Absolutely not." His fingers play over mine and I watch, remembering the feel of those fingers inside my body last night. Sucking in a shaky breath, I try to focus on the conversation before I beg him to fuck me right here on the table in front of all these people.
"To be honest," I say, "I was worried you'd realize halfway through this date that I'm boring and that you made a mistake following me home last night."
Linc's gaze on me is piercing. "Not a chance," he says. "You're anything but boring."
I smile, feeling my face heat again.
"I'm not just saying that because you let me fuck your brains out last night," he says, his voice pitched low enough that only I can hear him.
The low timbre of his voice combined with his filthy words sends a signal straight to my lady bits. How did we go from barely speaking a month ago to being seated at a fancy restaurant with him saying all these naughty things to me? Has it really only been a couple of weeks since my pipe burst and he showed up to help me save my business? So much has happened in that time. What changed?
"Why did you follow me home last night?" I ask. It's been on my mind since he appeared at my door last night and I don't buy the line about just wanting to make sure I made it home okay.
Linc looks down at our joined hands, his face a careful mask. He takes so long to speak that I begin to worry that whatever he's going to say will be awful.
"I didn't follow you thinking we were going to sleep together," he says. "I didn't even think to wish for a kiss. Though I can't deny I've thought about kissing you for a long time."
I'm shocked to hear him say that. He's never let on that he's interested in me. He's so unreadable. So silent most of the time. Even though we've spent weeks working together, tonight is probably the most we've ever spoken. He's different tonight. Easier. More open. It's as though he's finally letting his guard down and letting me see the real Linc. If I thought I liked him before, it's nothing compared to what I'm feeling tonight. He shakes his head with a rueful laugh.
"I've never been great in big groups," he says. "It's why I tend to stay quiet. I don't know what to say. I feel awkward. So, I observe. And I keep quiet. And that feeling gets worse when you're around. It always has." He meets my gaze. "You stun me, Harlow. You always have."
I blink at him, confused by his admission.
"It's why I've never been able to talk to you. Or even talk much at all when you're around. But these past few weeks, I've gotten more comfortable with you. Gotten to know you. I've seen you with my daughter. I've grown used to seeing you every day. It's one of the best parts of my day; knowing I'm going to see you. I was getting sad that it's almost over. I was going to tell you all this last night while we were dancing. I was going to ask you on a date."
What?!He was going to ask me out even before we slept together?My heart squeezes almost painfully in my chest.
"But I blew it when I mentioned the prom. And you shut down. I didn't know why, but I knew it was my fault. I hated seeing that light in your eyes dim."
He meets my gaze. "I needed to fix it. I needed to know I didn't screw everything up. That's why I followed you last night. Because I couldn't stand the idea of you being angry with me. And I damned sure didn't want to be the one responsible for hurting you."
My throat goes tight and I swallow against the lump there. I've seen Linc when he's kind. I've seen Linc when he's sweet with his daughter. I've even seen the version of Linc that's dominant in the bedroom. But this vulnerable side of him is one I didn't know I needed to see. I can feel the ground slipping out from under me just a little more; feel myself falling just a little harder for this man. Leaning across the table, I motion for him to meet me halfway. He does, leaning in far enough so I can kiss his lips lightly.
"You didn't screw anything up," I whisper.
He grins. "I'm glad."
When we lean back, he still doesn't let go of my hand. I find that I don't mind in the least. I've never been the overly affectionate type, but I love that Linc seems to want to touch me all the time. It's sweet and slightly possessive. Which is another thing I didn't think I'd be into. That brings me back to thoughts of last night and Linc's dominant tendencies in the bedroom. It feels like something we should talk about if we're going to keep seeing each other. Last night might just be the tip of the iceberg where his domination is concerned. Is that something I can be comfortable with? I'm not sure. It depends on how far he wants to take things.
"Where'd you go, Harlow?" Linc asks, pulling me from my spiraling thoughts.
I feel my face heat. "I'm not sure how to ask," I say.
Linc smiles knowingly. "Is this about last night?"
I nod. "Yes."
"Did it make you uncomfortable?"
I shake my head immediately. "No." Just thinking about it is turning me on.
"But you want to know how far I want to take things?"
I nod, wondering how he seems to be reading my mind.
"The thought crossed my mind," I say softly.
He smiles and dips his head in a quick nod. "It's not an easy question to answer," he says. "I've never fully explored how far I'd like to go with that side of me. I've never had a partner that was into it. So, I just didn't try."