Page 67 of My First Kiss
Part of me wonders what kind of boring sex he's had in the past, but I squash that thought quickly. I don't want to think about Linc with other women. Instead, I think back over the events of last night, considering whether I'm willing to test my boundaries. I think about his commanding presence, his domineering tone and the almost rough way he took my body, wringing every ounce of pleasure from me. It was intense, but just thinking about it makes me wet. Do I want more of that? I'd need to be dead not to. Looking away from our joined hands, I meet Linc's gaze.
"What if it's something I'm interested in exploring? With you?" I ask.
Linc sucks in a breath and his eyes turn hungry. But I'm surprised when he speaks. "I don't want to pressure you into anything, Harlow. That's the last thing I want."
I shake my head, my grip tightening on his hand. "That's not what this is," I say. "Last night was new for me, but I loved it. More than I thought possible. I felt safe and—I don't know—almost worshipped." I laugh. "I know that sounds weird."
He shakes his head. "Not weird. I told you last night. As long as it's consensual and brings pleasure, there's nothing weird or wrong about what we do. I want you to feel safe with me. And worshipped. But I need you to be sure you're okay with this."
Something occurs to me and I have another question. "You're not into torture or pain, right? Not that I'm kink-shaming. I just don't think it's for me."
He looks amused. "No, Harlow. I'm not into anything that would cause either of us pain." He takes a deep breath before looking at me. "But there are some things that might be uncomfortable." His voice is dark and full of promise.
"Like what?" I whisper.
He leans closer. "Edging, forced orgasm, light spanking, being tied up."
I feel my heart speed up and a sliver of excitement courses through me at the thought of Linc spanking my ass or tying me up. I'm a little shocked by how turned on that makes me, but I've decided not to question that right now. Right now, I'm just interested in learning as much as I can about Lincoln Prescott's secret sexual preferences. If I'm going to pursue this thing with him—and let's be real, I totally am—then I need to know what I'm getting into. Nothing I've learned so far has scared me away or grossed me out. It's actually had the opposite effect. I think I'm more turned on than I've ever been.
"Of course, I wouldn't do anything without your consent," he says. "Whatever happens going forward, we'll talk about it first. That's the most important part of this. Communication."
Part of me is still in shock that this is the same quiet, shy Linc I've known since 4th grade. He's sitting across from me casually discussing light bondage while we sip wine in a nice restaurant. Two months ago, he could barely make eye contact with me. But then I remember how he buried his face between my legs and licked me until I came all over his beard. I like this hidden side of him.
"Okay," I say. "Let's see where this goes."
Linc's smile is bright in the dim light making my breath catch as I look at him.
Chapter 25
By the time the server asks us if we’d like dessert, darkness has settled fully over the city. We pass on dessert, and instead take a walk along the riverfront. It's a perfect night with a slight breeze coming off the water. I feel another little burst of pleasure as I look around the city. It really is gorgeous here.
“I have a confession to make,” I say, reaching for Linc's hand as we walk along the cobblestone street.
“What’s that?” he asks, threading his fingers through mine.
I take a deep breath and let it out. “I’ve been thinking impure thoughts about you since the appetizers came out.”
He laughs, making my heart squeeze. “Just the appetizers? I’ve had them since I first saw you in that dress at your place.”
I use my free hand to gesture to the dress. “This old thing?”
Linc looks me over and I can see the naked lust in his eyes for a moment before he deliberately masks it. We keep walking at our slow, leisurely pace.
“I think it's only fair that I admit something to you now,” he says, using our joined hands to pull me closer to his side.
“Oh? What’s that?”
He stops walking and grins down at me, but I can see a hint of nerves in his expression. “I had a crush on you all through senior year,” he finally says.
Even though Luke already told me that, I’m still shocked to hear Linc say it aloud. I still can’t quite believe that someone as popular as Linc had been in high school would have even noticed me. But I can’t deny the little thrill that goes through me at his admission. I feel a blush creep up my cheeks as I smile up at him.
I can’t help but ask. “Why?”
He grins, turning to look out over the river. “You were so above it all. All the popular bullshit. You were so cool. Meanwhile, I was struggling to fit in and hoping no one noticed how much I was pretending.”
When I laugh, Linc turns a questioning look on me. “I’m sorry,” I say. “It’s just that I can’t believe you thought that about me when I spent all of high school pretending!”