Page 32 of My Last Fling
“Wow,” I whisper.
“Employees only, counselor,” comes Cole’s voice from behind me.
My heart in my throat, I spin around to look at him. I know my wonder must show on my face because he grins and holds his hands out to encompass the entire area.
“Well? What do you think?”
I shake my head, gazing around at the area again before turning to look back at him. “Cole, it’s amazing. I don’t know what I expected. You said it was a patio. But this is an oasis.”
He laughs and looks away from my gaze. I can see a faint blush on his face. It’s sort of adorable.
“Thanks,” he says. “I think it turned out okay.”
“Don’t start being modest now,” I tease. “It’s way more than okay.”
He smiles, his gaze on mine now. “Thanks, Layna. That means a lot.”
“I’m just telling the truth, Cole. You should be so proud of what you’ve done here.”
Cole looks surprised and pleased by my praise that I wonder if he was nervous to show me this place. But that doesn’t make sense. I’m sure he’s just anxious for the grand opening to go well. He’d be nervous to show anyone this place for the first time. It’s not about me.
“I mean, I only helped,” he says. “Linc and his guys made it happen.”
I shake my head. “There you go again. Being modest. It was your vision. Your plan.” I smile up at him. “It’s okay to be proud of it. It’s your baby.”
He laughs, but he’s nodding. “Yeah, I guess it is. Thanks.”
He eyes me for a moment. “What made you stop by on this fine autumn morning, counselor?”
I smile at the hope in his voice.
“Actually, I didn’t stop by for that,” I say. “I’ve got some big news.”
“I love news,” he says. “Good news, I hope?”
I nod, smiling. “Yeah. I think so. Remember that job I was trying to get?”
His eyes light up. “With legal aid?”
I nod.
“Did they call you?”
I nod again, my smile growing even wider. “They want me to start in two weeks.”
Cole’s face lights up with excitement and he throws his arms wide. It’s the only warning I get before his arms are locked around me and he’s lifting me high into the air, spinning us around.
“Woohoo!” he shouts. “I’m so happy for you! You did it!”
I laugh, unable to do anything but hold onto him as he finally slows to a stop, still holding me against him. Slowly, he lowers me, sliding me down the length of his body until my feet are back on solid ground. My face hurts from laughter as I look up into his face. He looks younger than ever right now, his eyes lit with excitement and happiness. It should be a reminder of all the ways we’re different or all the ways we can’t really work together. Instead, I’ve never wanted to kiss him more than I do right now. His face is flushed from excitement. His eyes are locked on mine as he smiles down at me, his arms still holding me close. Time seems to slow to a crawl. I know I should move away. Or say something to lighten the mood. Do something. Anything instead of standing here waiting for this man I can’t have to kiss me.
Cole’s head lowers toward me, infinitely slow. I have all the time in the world to stop him or to move out of his embrace. But I don’t. I just stand there, watching him move closer. Knowing his intent, but unable or unwilling to do anything to stop it. Luckily for both of us, divine intervention appears.
“Have you seen my impact drill?” Linc calls, snapping us out of our trance.
His voice might as well be iced water for the effect it has on me and Cole. We spring apart like two guilty teenagers who just got caught making out at a school dance. I take a deep breath to calm the butterflies in my stomach before turning to look in the direction of Linc’s voice. He’s not looking in our direction. Instead, he’s opening the doors on a massive tool chest and peering inside. After a few seconds, he sighs and closes the chest before turning to look in our direction.