Page 33 of My Last Fling
“Cole, I gotta go—oh, hey Layna,” he says. “I didn’t know you were here.”
I smile, taking another small step away from Cole. “Hey Linc. I was just stopping by to see the progress. This place is amazing.”
He nods and looks around, smiling. “Yeah. It’s really coming together. Not much longer now.”
“Layna landed a new job,” Cole says. “She was just telling me all about it.”
I blush, though I’m not sure why. Cole didn’t say anything remotely flirty or sexual. So, why am I acting like a school girl with a crush right now? This is Cole. I’ve had sex with this man more times than I can count. I’ve touched, kissed, and licked almost every part of his naked body; and he’s done the same to me. There’s no reason to be shy around him now.
“That’s great, Layna,” Linc says, smiling. “Is this the one in Savannah that Harlow mentioned?”
I nod. “Yeah. Public defender with legal aid. I’ll be helping people who can’t afford legal representation.”
He nods. “That sounds awesome. I’m sure there are plenty of people who could use that kind of help.” He turns to look at Cole. “I hate to run, but I need to go get my impact drill from the house. I need it to finish installing the sign above the bar. It needs to be up to code before the inspection.”
I wave a hand. “I’ll let you guys get back to work. I need to go tell Piper the good news anyway. I’ll see you later?”
I don’t wait for them to do much more than nod before I turn and walk back out the way I came in. I still don’t know what that moment was that passed between me and Cole. And I don’t know why I stopped here to tell him about my big news before telling my own sister. Why had he been my first thought? Was it just because I was near him when I got the call? That’s got to be it. There’s no other explanation.
And that moment we had was just about sexual tension. It’s been a week since we hooked up. It’s clearly affecting my judgment and making me act weird in public where someone might see. That was a close call, too. Luckily Linc hadn’t seen Cole holding me that way. I need to talk to him and make it clear that things like that can’t happen again. We need to stick to the rules and keep anything physical private.
Chapter 15
By the time Friday rolls around, I’ve had such a long week that I’m almost dreading my date with Michael. Part of me wants to text him to reschedule, but it’s too last minute. It would be rude. Besides, I can’t find the right partner if I skip out on the dates I get matched with, right? So, I force myself not to cancel. Besides, it’s just meeting a guy for drinks after work. With any luck, I’ll be home by 8 and in my pajamas in front of the television by 8:15.
I walk into the restaurant on River Street shortly before 6pm, still wearing the clothes I wore to work all day. Part of me wishes I’d had time to change, but it can’t be helped. At least I’d touched up my makeup in the bathroom before leaving work. That’s good enough, right? I sigh, realizing that if I didn’t have this date tonight, I would already be home, relaxing with a glass of wine.
The voice behind me pulls me out of my thoughts and I paste a smile on my face before turning and looking into the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen. They remind me of photos of the ocean from places I’ve never visited. My gaze tracks over the rest of his face and I take in the charming smile, the dimples, the faint stubble. His photos online had not done him justice.
“Michael?” I ask, giving him my best smile.
He nods and holds out a hand. “Nice to meet you.”
I shake his hand, taking a moment to notice how his hand feels against mine. His palm is warm and dry, his skin smooth. His grip is firm, but not too tight. He doesn’t linger, releasing my hand after only a few seconds. He motions toward the bar.
“Shall we?”
I smile and turn to walk in that direction, wishing now that I’d brought a change of clothes. I feel rumpled and tired-looking next to this perfectly put-together specimen. It’s not just that he’s handsome. He exudes confidence without being arrogant.
“I’m glad you were able to make it tonight,” he says as we take our seats at the bar.
“Me too,” I say.
“It’s been a long week,” he says. “I think I needed this chance to unwind.”
I sigh. “I thought it was just me, but this week feels like it’s been a month long.”
He laughs. “Agreed.”
We study the happy hour menu in silence for a few seconds before he lowers his to the bar top. Turning to look at me, he smiles.
“What?” I ask.