Page 6 of Mercy & Obsession
“Yeah. Probably best. There’s no telling what shit Mordy’s sick ass would come up with for disposal this time if we don’t send someone along with him.”
Sticks was right, even if I didn’t acknowledge what he said to be the truth. The moment I decided to save Reggy instead of killing her, as I was supposed to do, our club fell on the wrong side of the Falbo family. The positive news was that even if Kirill Angeloff was pissed that we’d gotten involved without him, she was still alive, so we were good with the Angeloffs for now.
When our Prez decided to climb into bed with the two biggest mob families—whose rivalry went back for decades—I wanted to fucking hate him for it. The thing was, he wasn’t alone when he made the decision to double-cross each of them and work with them both. I was right there by his side along with Sticks, Wisenheimer, Mordy, and Dumble. We needed someone to bring our supply of guns into the country, which was where the Angeloffs came into play. If you needed something to happen on the street and didn’t want to get your name or hands involved, the Falbos were the ones you needed to call. Both families served a very vital purpose to the Crazed Kings MC, but the Falbos were more expendable. Not that it mattered to me when it came to Reggy. I would set fire to the earth and stand by as it exploded into the cosmos if it meant she was safe. Thinking of her in this manner was fucking insane, but when it came to her, my natural instinct was to protect her.
I didn’t answer Sticks at all, though. I couldn’t. I could only rush to where Reggy was lying as the breath in my lungs quit moving freely. It wouldn’t find release until I saw that she was okay.
“Imight be small, but I swear, if you let anything happen to her, I’ll chop off your balls! I’m not afraid of you, biker man.” Hearing Maryanne’s threats was the first thing that welcomed me from unconsciousness. I was not sure how long I’d been out but hearing her say “balls” was totally worth any amount of time andalmostworth being shot at.
A small giggle escaped me, and as soon as it passed my lips, the sound of heavy footsteps approaching filled the air—much too heavy to belong to Maryanne. The back of my head throbbed from the movement.Perhaps I will keep my eyes closed a little bit longer. My eyelids burned from the glow of the light in the room, and my stomach ached from hunger.
The mattress dropped down some as a person sat beside my legs. Anticipation built so high that I felt as if I was going to burst, and my heart fluttered within my chest. I really should open my eyes, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to. Something inside me screamed that the “biker man” Maryanne was talking about was Shaun, but the chances of it being the guy my mind couldn’t shake were incredibly small.
The person scooted further up the bed and closer to my side. The arm that I assumed belonged to the man dipped under my side and hooked around my body. The arm felt too thick to belong to a woman, but what the hell did I know? The time for avoidance had passed. Someone was touching me, and I had to find out why. I needed to open my eyes and deal with whatever pain came and whoever I found.
“Calm yourself,” a smooth voice cautioned as he pulled me against his rock-hard body.
“Calm myself? Your hands are all over my best friend. So no, I won’tcalmmyself, biker man,” Maryanne squeaked, and another giggle rattled through my sore body.
“First off, it’s Stone, not biker man. Secondly, holding her to get a better look at her head hardly falls under the line of fondling your friend. If I wanted my hands to be all over her, trust me, they would be.” His tone dropped a couple of octaves as he spoke matter-of-factly, and his fingertips lightly separated the strands of my hair.
When his nail raked over the sore spot on the back of my head, I winced in pain, my eyelids shooting open and my gaze zeroing onto his at once. “Stone? I thought your name was Shaun?” I asked in a harsh tone, partly out of pain but mostly because I was certain of his name.
“Does that hurt?” His spine straightened against the headboard of the bed as he pulled our bodies up, bending my head slightly and pulling apart more hair. “There isn’t much blood, but you should take it easy. Might have a concussion.”
“I’m good. I promise. You’re right, I might have a stellar headache for a while, but I’ll live.”
It was surprisingly the truth. The longer I was awake, the less strength the pain held. There was a dull lingering achiness, but nothing a couple of days of painkillers wouldn’t take care of. My fingers untangled his from my hair, and I pulled away from him, waving him off. “Isn’t your name Shaun?”
“Hmm. No. It’s Graham, but I prefer Stone as I told that feisty shit over there.”
My mouth pulled into a small smile. I liked how he said what was on his mind. It was a quality more people could stand to have, in my opinion. More often than not, I did exactly that, but sometimes, it was best for everyone when I kept some thoughts to myself.
Stone’s focus was fixed on me, and if it were possible, he was even more beautiful than I recalled. I remembered his body being fit, but not this much. Perhaps, it was how close we were now and the fact his mouthwatering scent was in the air and on me. It was an odd mixture of clean soap, a type of cologne I was not familiar with, leather, and, oddly, a lingering smell of coffee beans.Fuckme. He was the absolute epitome of sex. Well, what I imagined sex would be if it were able to be a person. Really, I had no clue at all, but if anyone would know, I was certain it was him. He looked like a person whose virginity wasn’t in question at all. I was sure he didn’t have older brothers who kept him off-limits to anyone that came sniffing around, and it would be weird if he did—it was weird that I did.
My tongue darted out to wet my lips, and I sighed. The way his eyes shifted between my lips and eyes made me almost think he was going to kiss me, but he didn’t.
Maryanne leaned her head between us and stared at him. “Biker man is fine by me,” she huffed, and he rested the back of his head against the headboard again with a groan. “Mind explaining why it was so important we come with you?”
“Did you completely miss someone shooting at you all?”
“I didn’t, but we could have taken care of ourselves.” Her hands gripped her hips.
“Fucking hell, lady. Don’t you have anything better to do than question everything?”
A small chuckle piped through my lips. This wasn’t who Maryanne was. I, on the other hand, could have been the very definition of the saying a dog with a bone. “She’s only worried and wants answers. So do I.” I looked around the room, realizing it was something I should have already done. I wasn’t someone who trusted easily. I blamed my false sense of trust on the bump on the back of my head.
“Fine. Fuck it. I was trying to be levelheaded about all of this shit, but you all want details, and I’m going to give them to you. See that guy over there?” His head motioned to another biker in the far corner of the room who had a gun pushing back the curtain of a window. I hadn’t noticed him until Stone pointed him out and nodded slightly. “That’s Sticks, and I’m Stone. We’re here to keep your asses alive, and you’re coming back with us.”
Realization smacked me like an eighteen-wheeler going wide open on a freeway. My attention rapidly flickered back and forth from Maryanne to Stone and then to Sticks and kept repeating the cycle. “Fucking Sticks and Stone. Now, that makes sense. What doesn’t is us going with you. Yeah, that’s not going to happen. For all I know, you were the ones shooting at us.” I got in an upright position and pushed away from his grasp.
“Gorgeous bird, I wasn’t asking. I wanted you to come along willingly, but I’ll make you if I have to.”
“Fuck,” I rasped, knowing what he said shouldn’t be hot, but it was. Despite that, no number of hormones would make me agree to do what he wanted. “Run, Annie!” I quickly said, dropping my foot on the floor, and Stone’s arms wrapped around me as he stood, lifting my body into the air. My head spun, and I fought the urge to vomit.