Page 7 of Mercy & Obsession
“For fuck’s sake! Calm down. You’re going to bust a carotid!” Sticks shouted at Maryanne as she lifted a leg in an attempt to mule kick him.
“No! You have a gun,” she shrieked.
“And you have fucking claws. Shit!” he complained when she scratched his arm after he grabbed her in a similar fashion as Stone had me.
“I’ll kill the both of you, fucking Sticks and Stone. Your names are fucking childish,” I shouted, writhing in every direction as I fought Stone while he carried me out the door.
“You might hate me, but at least you’ll still have the ability to fucking breathe while you do it,” Stone promised, dropping me into the car after opening the door. “I don’t want to tie and gag you, but I will if I have to. Is that fucking necessary?” His broad hand raked through his long hair out of frustration.
I shook my head in response, my jagged breaths leaving my body and saliva pooling in my mouth. I wouldn’t admit it to him, but my body physically didn’t have much fight left right now. I was exhausted and I didn’t know exactly why. Honestly, I was probably coming down from an adrenaline high. That, or I really did have a concussion.
“Good, now, put your seatbelt on, sit the fuck still, and let me keep you the fuck alive.”
“Did you tranq them?” I asked, eyeing Sticks suspiciously in the rearview mirror.
“I was about to ask you the same thing.” He shrugged, his attention shifting from me and then to each of the sleeping girls.
“Not my style. If they’re alive, they’re a liability.”
“If this were a normal situation, I wouldn’t question that fact. But it isn’t. What did Viking call it?”
“Call what?” I questioned him while dimming the headlights as a car passed us on the opposite side of the road.
“Right.” He nodded. “I remember now. Normally thatgravel eating monsterdoesn’t have a say in our decision, but with this one,” his pointer finger gestured to Bird, “all bets are off. I haven’t seen many people get so much as a swat at you before you floor them. But her, you asked her to put on her fucking seatbelt, Stone. You fuckingasked.She’s going to get one of us killed. Mark my words, brother. Someone is going to die.”
“You got that fucking right, Charlie. Keep talking about her and you’re about to find out who.”
“See, there’s the grumpy bastard our club is used to. He’s who we need to be driving this show. Not your dick.”
“Sticks,” I huffed. “My hands are literally wrapped around this steering wheel…”
“Yeah, but had they not fought us back there, your fingers would be just as happy to be knuckle deep inside her.”
“If you don’t shut your fucking mouths and quit your pissing contest, you both are going to regret it,” Bird groaned in a groggy voice without opening her eyes. My muscles tensed in reaction to the sound of her voice.
“He—” Sticks said, but she cut him off.
“Craig, I don’t care who is older, shut your fucking trap and let me sleep.”
“Craig?” Sticks and I questioned in unison.
“Huh?” she asked, lifting her head off her friend’s shoulder. “Forget him. Same thing still applies. You said we had to come with you to stay alive, I still don’t believe you aren’t driving us to a starving pig farm to off us Hannibal style, but whatever. If that’s our fate, fuck it, I guess.”
“Is she serious right now?” Sticks asked with a shake of his head.
“As a fucking heart attack. I’ve seen enough Dateline to know if you’re taking us to a second location, it isn’t good. If I’m dying tonight, I might as well go out being true to myself. I had some time to think about it, and you two bicker like a married couple for one. For two, no one’s knuckles are going anywhere except in a pair of gloves, just so I make myself clear. You hear me?” Bird spat out so sure of herself and before I knew what I was doing, the car was swerving off the road and I was out of the car.
“You’re up.” I motioned Sticks to the front seat. A small smirk pulled at his lips, and he quickly got into the driver’s seat.
“You, out.” I barked the order to Bird.
“Fat chance in hell. It’s colder than Frosty’s balls out there. I’m not moving.” She crossed her arms over her body and scooted further down into the seat.
“Gorgeous Bird,” I warned and cleared my throat to prevent an audible growl from bubbling out of my mouth.