Page 61 of Indecent Ventures
She’s exactly like I used to be. She’s in and out, never stays, and barely wants to talk. It’s sex—great sex—and then a quick exit. Always.
While the sex and the passion are incredible, she never wants to stick around for so much as a kiss after we’re done.
Most of our fun banter comes via text while we’re making plans to meet, or the moments before we get into bed. She makes me laugh. I love her brashness.
Finally, my text tone rings. I excitedly look down at my phone only to be met with disappointment.
Jade: Sorry. Not going to make it. Rough night.
Me: Is everything okay?
Jade: I’ll be fine. I’ll suck your dick tomorrow, don’t worry.
Me: I wasn’t worried about my enormously engorged dick. I want to know if you’re okay.
Jade: It’s my mom. Divorce is a bitch. That’s why I’m never getting married.
Me: Gotcha. I assume you’re with her. Give her my best.
Jade: She’s in New York. She’s just upset so I’m upset. It’s a buzz kill. I came home early. Not up for the whole party scene tonight.
Twenty minutes later I’m knocking on her door. She opens it in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I’ve never seen her dressed like this. It’s cute. She’s beautiful no matter what she’s wearing.
She looks shocked to see me. In an annoyed voice, she says, “Collin? What are you doing here? I told you I wasn’t down to fuck tonight.”
I hold up a brown bag. “I know. I brought reinforcements.”
She narrows her eyes at me. “What do you have in there?”
“Duh, Rocky Road ice cream.”
I don’t think she could have a more surprised look on her face right now if I told her there was a dead body in the bag.
“How did you know that it’s my favorite?”
“You mentioned it was your comfort food once.”
She has an expression on her face that I can’t quite work out. Something between confused and touched. I’m hoping it’s the latter.
She opens the door wider in invitation. “I’m warning you; I’m not going to be very good company. I’m in a mood.”
“It’s okay. Why don’t we just watch a movie and eat ice cream.”
She slowly nods. “Thanks, Collin. This is really nice of you. What movie do you want to watch? You can pick.”
“Hmm. How aboutLoverboy?”
She stops short. “What the fuck? How do you know I love that stupid, old movie?”
“Extra anchovies. I understood the pop culture reference. And it’s not that old. I was alive when it came out.”
She smiles. “I wasn’t. Not even close.”
“If you’re mean to me, I won’t share any of the Rocky Road with you.”
She gasps. “You better have brought your own. I’m not sharing with you.”
I smile as I pull two pints and two spoons out of the bag.