Page 62 of Indecent Ventures
We sit and start the movie. The premise is ridiculous. I turn to her. “You do realize that this movie somehow makes it okay, and romantic, that he whored himself out to hundreds of women just to make money to get back to his girlfriend?”
She giggles. “You don’t think it’s sweet?”
“What if it were the opposite? Am I the only feminist here? Are there any movies that glorify female hookers like this movie does for male hookers?”
She thinks for a moment and then gives me a confident smile. “Yes.PrettyfuckingWoman.”
I stare at her for a few seconds. “I see. I stand corrected. Carry on with your male hooker movie.”
She gloats as she turns her attention back to the movie.
After she finishes the entire pint, she leans her head onto me. I don’t think she realizes she’s doing it. We’ve had sex countless times at this point, but this may be the most intimate thing she’s ever done.
I wrap my arm around her and subtly take in her unique Jade scent that I’ve come to love so much. I realize that I’m exactly where I want to be, with the person I want to be with.
When the movie is over, I look down and she’s fast asleep on my chest. I run my hand up and down her natural golden hair a few times. It’s so soft. I can smell her shampoo. This is nice.
I contemplate just sleeping right here, but I know what it will do to my back in the morning.
I carefully carry her into her bedroom and lay her on the bed. Hmm. I wonder if she’ll get hot in her sleep. I don’t think I can get her sweatshirt off without waking her, but her sweatpants should be easy. I slowly slide them off and then tuck her into bed.
I’m about to leave when I realize that I don’t want to. I want to know what it’s like to sleep with her. To hold her in my arms all night. To wake up with her in the morning.
I remove all of my clothes except my boxer briefs and climb into bed. I pull her tight into my arms and fall into a peaceful sleep.
Iwake in the morning in a way I’ve never awakened before. On a man’s chest. A broad, sexy chest.
I try to remember what I did last night. Did I get blackout drunk? I inhale. I can smell that it’s Collin’s chest. Did I get drunk and booty-call him?
No, my mom called me in tears about how terrible Rick is taking the divorce. He’s mistreating her. I spent an hour on the phone with her, talking her off the ledge. I ended up leaving the club immediately and taking a cab home, all while still talking to her. I haven’t heard her this upset in a long time. I hate that I couldn’t be with her.
It killed my desire to go to Collin’s for a booty call, so I texted him to cancel. Then Collin showed up with my favorite ice cream, which may have been the nicest thing any man has ever done for me. Then we started watchingLoverboy. I don’t remember seeing the shitshow of an ending, when the male lead’s girlfriend easily accepts that he whored himself out all summer.
I must have fallen asleep, and Collin put me in bed. I lift the blankets. And he removed my pants. I look over at his body. And all of his clothes.
I try to roll off him, but he squeezes me tight. He sleepily whispers, “Just a few more minutes. This is nice. You always rush out. Let me hold you a little longer. Please.”
After what he did for me last night, how can I deny him this? So, I stay.
Eventually I look up. He looks so content. I can’t help but turn my head and kiss his chest. I kiss it some more. And then up his neck. I keep going until I eventually reach his lips.
Without opening his eyes, he says, “My dick is cold. Do you know anywhere I can warm it? Preferably to about ninety-eight point six degrees.”
I smile as I begin to kiss him.
He rubs his hands on my body as his eyes open. He looks into mine. “You don’t have to if you’re not up for it.”
I climb on top of him. “I want to.”
He lifts my sweatshirt over my head, revealing my bare chest to him. He runs his hands up and down the sides of my body. “You’re so beautiful.”
I run my fingertips over his scruff. “So are you.”
He tugs on my panties. “These are in my way.”