Page 61 of Bad Reputation
“You know what? I think I’m good,” she says with a shrug. “I would honestly rather sit and watch you surf while I have a drink.”
I chuckle. “That’s it, huh? You just had to make sure you could do it?”
“Precisely.” She squints up at me. “I feel fulfilled.”
“Well, alright then,” I say. “Do you mind if I surf for a little while?”
“Definitely not.” She releases her grip on my shoulders, stepping back. “I’ll be on the beach, doing a little yoga.”
As I watch, she turns and heads for the shore, her hips swaying. I shake my head and make my way further out into the dark blue ocean.
Later, after we’ve fucked ourselves senseless, I come back into the bedroom with a big Nalgene full of water. Emma is sprawled out on her stomach, completely naked.
I don’t know what it says about me, but the fact that I can see faint traces of my handprints on her ass turns me the fuck on. She turns her head to the side, her eyes following me into the room. I really did give her a good workout, and I’m not even done.
I try to ignore my hardening cock and focus on caring for Emma right now.
“Drink,” I order her, putting the Nalgene on the bed in front of her face.
She lifts her eyebrows, but rolls onto her side and picks up the Nalgene bottom. Unscrewing the cap, she chugs a quarter of the water. I watch as a couple of drops escape to dribble down the side of her mouth, one tracing its way down her throat.
I swallow at that. If my erection was tentative before, it’s definitely not now. She may be my girlfriend, but that doesn’t begin to stop me from constantly eye fucking her. The thirst is real, and I don’t think that’s going to change anytime soon.
Emma sets the Nalgene bottle down and looks at me. “Happy?”
“Nah. Between the day at the beach and a couple hours in here, I think you need way more of that. There is no way you’re not dehydrated by now.”
“And you’re not?” She scowls, but she takes another swig.
“You’re right,” I say, sitting on the bed. “Pass it over here.”
She does, and I gulp down half of the contents in one go. I make a satisfied sound and pass it back. She sighs and sits up, taking the bottle. I stare at her tits, where I see my handiwork present too, right around her nipples.
She sips from the water bottle, not commenting on the fact that I’m just ogling her openly. I let my eyes unfocus for a second, and I let my mind imagine a day when she might not be as willing to let me ravage her over and over again. It’s in the future, for sure… but it’s not that distant, when I really think about it.
“Where do you see us going, as a couple?”
The words are out of my mouth before I’ve even considered the thought myself. Emma freezes for a second, mid-mouthful of water. She swallows it slowly.
“Ummm…” she says, scrunching her face up. “Do you mean like… generally? What do you mean?”
That’s a good question. What exactly am I looking for? I feel like such a woman, having all of these feelings.
“I don’t know. I just… I took you house shopping, because it seemed like the thing to do. And we found a great space that I can see us growing older together in. But… what else are you looking for, future-wise?”
She nods slowly. I can see the gears turning. “Future wise? I guess… I mean, I want a marriage. I want kids. I want to work as a lawyer. Other than that, I don’t really have anything specifically planned.”
“Hmm,” I say, nodding. “Good answer.”
“What about you? You’ve lived longer than I have,” she teases. “Surely you’ve got a plan in place?”
“Well, yeah. I’m sort of your opposite. I have the career planned out, and I’ve always sort of dreamed of having that beach house, in the back of my mind. But until a couple of months ago, I wasn’t even sure that I would end up with anybody.” I pause for a second. “I used to be like, I’ll just get married on the sly, no one even has to know.”
She laughs. “I like that about you.”