Page 7 of Yours
"We should leave him there all night too."
Relief flowed through Luke, and his tired legs trembled as Jagger slipped out. “See? You’re getting used to it, and you’ll be able to cum just fine whenever I use you.”
Luke rolled onto his side and spoke in a low voice while the others were paying more attention to poor Zaz who was being hauled. “What if I can’t sometimes?”
“You should since you’ll be focused on pleasing me. Do you think this is the only wager we’ll be having? It’s a popular game for guards at the mines.”
Luke’s face warmed again at the prospect of having to risk his ass for another wager. “That’s hardly fair for me. I don't want to play that game.”
Jagger gave him a funny look. “Watch Zaz. I’ll talk to you in a minute.”
Luke looked away as he pressed his lips together. Damn it. He wasn’t supposed to complain, but it wasn’t fair he had to play a dumb game. Zaz was forced to his knees by the high wheel of a cart, and they tied his wrists to the top edge above his head. The guard who had a whip appeared quite gleeful about beating the prisoner, and he scratched at the base of one of his short horns while everyone clustered around. Zaz was shaking, but he seemed to know better than to beg anymore.
The whip repeatedly cracked against his bare ass and lines appeared. A few guards whistled and said to look at those plump cheeks jiggling. Zaz's poor ass was bright red by the time a few beads of blood appeared as the whip nicked his skin, and he finally shouted, but the guard didn’t stop right away. He gave Zaz a few harsh ones on his back and left him there. A couple of other guards looped rope around Zaz’s thighs and the spokes of the wheel so he’d be stuck there and couldn’t stand.
A guard said the other prisoners could go to bed, although one was being bent over near the fire by his owner. Luke was tugged toward Jagger’s tent.
He had a feeling some sort of punishment was coming. Technically, he’d complained about future public scenarios even though he’d told himself to suck it up and take it since he was lucky to have Jagger.
Jagger turned on his lantern and kneeled by Luke. “What do you think about during public stuff?”
“Don’t lie to me.”
Luke fidgeted on his knees. “I do try to focus on you like you said, Sir.”
“Do you think about how you don’t want to be punished for failing to perform and wait for it to be over?” Jagger asked in a hard voice.
“Erm, yes, Sir.”
“What’s your purpose?”
“To serve you, Sir,” said Luke. “Aren’t I doing that? We both get what we want, Sir.”
“Pleasing me should come first over avoiding punishment. I am going to make you cum in front of any guards again because that’s a game we play. I’ve never had someone so resistant to public fucking. Most get over it pretty fast.”
Luke flushed. “It’s humiliating, Sir. I’d rather skip that bit.”
“You can be humiliated all you want, but you’re going to learn to put my pleasure first. Anything done to you in public should be taken with me as your main goal.That’show you avoid punishment.”
“No buts. I expect complete obedience and submission, not partial, and I will have it. You’re still partly resistant in your head about this to where you complained, and that's not acceptable. Go outside by the other wheel next to Zaz.”
Great. He was going to be publicly punished in front of everyone anyway even though they won the wager. A little spark of defiance blossomed in his chest, and he considered the word "no" but did as he was told.
He was tied in the same way as Zaz, and the guards who were still around the fire jeered at him.
“Someone was a brat.”
Luke struggled to remain quiet and not shame himself more. Every crack of the whip on his bare bottom was loud, and he knew the prisoners could hear it too. Before long, he knew his ass was probably at least as red and welted as Zaz’s, although blood wasn't drawn. He didn’t dare clench. Jagger gave the backs of his thighs a couple of lashes and got started on his back.
As best as he could, Luke clutched onto the top edge of the wheel while the whip licked across him higher and higher. It wasn’t as painful as the punishment whipping, but it hurt enough.
After a couple of last strikes across the back of his shoulders, he figured it was over. and while he hadn’t been clenching his rear, some of the tension left his body. The whip suddenly cracked across his back from his right shoulder to his lower left side, and he gasped as it hit every other welt.
He ducked his head when Jagger finally approached him and started rubbing the back of his neck.