Page 8 of Yours
“You’ll remain here all night,” said Jagger.
Without any sleep?
He brushed back Luke’s hair. “I’ll see you in the morning. Think about what I want and what you can do to better please me. No talking. That goes for both of you.”
Jagger walked away, and Luke bit his lip as he imagined the night ahead. He wouldn’t be able to stand with the rope looped around his thighs and the spokes, and with his wrists also tied to the top of the wheel, he could forget sitting. How was he supposed to get any rest while standing on his knees all damn night?
He’d still have to walk tomorrow. The whole group wasn’t going to stay here for another day so he could sleep and rest, and they wouldn’t delay leaving even for a few hours. He glanced at Zaz’s still form and realized he would too, but it wasn't fair for Luke either.
The fact that he’d have to endure this and go all day tomorrow made that little bit of defiance in his chest blossom once more. Even being in the pillory all night as practice at the prison hadn’t been quite this bad. It was easier there because in general, he still had time to rest in his cell. He’d never be able to deal with tomorrow.
The defiance turned to anger for a moment as he pulled at the ropes securing his wrists, but he stopped himself. Even if got loose, what was he supposed to do? The guards would notice, and he’d also never dare to run after seeing what happened to Bread.
Luke hadn’t been whipped bloody so he wouldn’t get to ride. He’d have to hoof it like the others in his position.
The guards finally all went to bed, and the prisoners were secured. Besides a few snores, and the sounds of two guards fucking in a tent, it was quiet, and even the screwing guys went silent after a while. Two were on patrol around the perimeter, but they weren’t talking. The fire died down to embers, and Luke leaned his head against the spokes. If only he could lay down.
He tried to sleep while resting his head even though wooden spokes don’t make a good pillow. Every time exhaustion started to pull him down, his upper body would sag. His wrists weren’t tied too tightly, but sagging pulled on them. He couldn’t get comfortable, and his knees started to ache. The welts on his back, ass, and thighs stung with any movement.
Zaz was quiet in the dark on his wheel and probably unable to sleep as well. Neither dared to risk speaking even in a low voice in case a guard happened to be awake.
The soreness from two days of walking was also really starting to sink in. Damn those hills. By the time dawn light touched the cloudy sky, Luke somehow managed to remain upright and doze since his exhaustion was too great.
Hands on him snapped him awake as he panicked and almost forgot where he was. Sounds from others getting up came from behind him, and someone’s breath puffed on his neck.
“It’s just me.” Jagger slipped his arms around Luke’s waist to stroke his chest and stomach. For a moment, the weight and warmth against his back was welcome. “After I fill your ass, I’ll release you.”
All of Luke’s exhaustion and discomfort seemed to increase, and his anger returned when he remembered Jagger wouldn’t let this one thing go. Luke was supposed to take his cock in front of everyone and then walk all damn day with no actual sleep?
It was hard to jerk away from someone when he had no real room, but he tried to pull forward from Jagger’s grasp. “I’m tired. I want to sleep, not fuck, Sir.”
His low words made Jagger freeze against him before he stood. “I guess you learned nothing, pet.”
“I did, but I’m tire-”
Jagger leaned close to him and spoke in a low voice. “Is that what you’re going to tell the guards in the mine after the first night when they make you work all day?”
“After the branding, they leave you in a pillory all night with no food or water,” whispered Jagger. “In the morning, you get bread and water, and they make you work all damn day. It’s to help break the stubbornness of the newcomers, so I suggest you don’t complain to them about it. The purpose of last night was so you’d think about how you need to focus on serving me, and-.”
“I do serve, Sir.” Luke barely remembered the title, and this probably wasn't a time to leave it off. He shouldn’t have interrupted either, but he was beyond irritated at this point.
Jagger’s eyes hardened as he brought his face closer to Luke who held his gaze and set his mouth. “You’re still resistant to public fucking. In that area, you still mostly think of your wants and don’t truly seek to please me. A good slave does whatever he is told to make his owner happy. You need this so you won't slip up around others too.”
“In a real master and slave relationship, they can have boundaries, Sir,” muttered Luke.
“This isn’t exactly a typical master and slave relationship, isn’t it?” retorted Jagger. “You’re a prisoner. I guess you need a good, hard lesson to teach you. Even if you're humiliated, tired, or worn out, my wants come first, and you need to remember that so you’ll keep your mouth shut around others.”
“Okay, but did you ever think maybe you pushed me too hard, Sir?” Luke told himself to shut up, but the anger simmering in his chest fueled the words.
Jagger straightened up. “Sometimes, even the compliant ones get fed up with things, and they grow defiant because they think they can get their way on something. I guess I’ll have to break you of that. I may push you, but not like some guards do. You can stay like that until I’m ready to release you.”
Jagger walked away, and Luke turned his head to the wheel. Fuck. He’d probably get another whipping and be fucked in front of everyone before the long day started. He barely held back another frustrated noise as he shifted for the hundredth time in a fruitless attempt to get comfortable.
Zaz’s ass was bruised and covered in welts. He wouldn’t be sitting comfortably for a bit, and neither would Luke. His back was covered in what he imagined were neat lines, and they stung on his ass too. As the camp further came to life, a couple of guards came over to Zaz.
One slapped his abused ass while another started undoing his trousers. “Do you want to get loose?”