Page 25 of Locked Promises
“Yeah, Dad. I know she’s Jonas, Ash, and Bast’s, but I’ve fallen for her as well. She’s beautiful, sweet, and has this fire in her that hasn’t been allowed to burn. I want to protect her, and Mother Cross will only listen to me within reason. If I’m her medical proxyandmarried to her, then she will never have to return to Hidden Hills,” I tell him.
Blowing out a breath, he hums in agreement.“When is the wedding? I want to see my son get married. It also means that we need to have the trials happen before it. The Locked Souls Society leadership needs to know that your marriage won’t impede your ability to lead the boys and fulfill your duties,” Dad reminds me.
“The wedding is six days from now. I was going to warn the boys that it’s coming up, but was unsure of the day. Is this going to be a surprise for them?” I ask. Sometimes The Society likes to wake their initiates in the middle of the night to test their wits. I’m not allowed to warn them if that’s the case. “My phone has been blowing up all day, but I’ve been teaching, so I couldn’t respond.”
I need to remind my dad that I do have a job here at Holy Cross, even if it annoys me on a daily basis.
“You’re right, Levi. They came to me and said that you weren’t responding, and I reminded them that you were in classes today. Forgive how excited they were. I’m going to send out your schedule to the Council again, because you should not be expected to drop everything unless it’s an emergency. And you honestly leave class enough to work around your responsibilities to your charges,”Dad tells me.
Between the fights with the guys, Chastity, and the hospital, there are days when I have to get a substitute teacher for my classes.
“I’m glad they know my loyalty isn’t a problem,” I murmur, struggling to make sure I don’t sound snarky. I upended my entire life to pretend to be a priest. I fucking hope my loyalty is not being called into question.
“I do have a question while I’m on the phone with you, Dad. How much am I able to disclose to Chastity? I know women typically don’t have high rankings in The Society, but this is her legacy. She has no clue how important she is. I want to keep her safe, and information is power.”
I can hear Dad thinking—that’s how loud the silence is.
“I think… we need to be careful about what we tell Chastity,”he says slowly.“There are parts you don’t even know yet, Son. So I want to be looped into the conversation when that time comes. You may not understand, but it’ll be better if I explain everything.”
I scrub my face in frustration, but know I won’t be able to get any more information from him. I may be his son, but he is bound by secrecy as well.
“Is there anything I can tell her?” I ask tiredly.
“Yes, you can remind her that she is Eve, and explain this position is important to the future of Jonas, Bast, and Ash. Chastity is also important to The Society as a whole, so she will be the last Eve. The Lost Souls Society has always chosen loosely moralled women who enjoy sex to be the first woman the Adams have sex with. Your Eve is a pure-intentioned woman who has had life spit on her. I do not want the taint of the history of Eve in The Society to hurt her future standing. So after this, the Adams will have a different initiation,”my father explains.
My jaw drops, because this is something I didn’t know. It’s why I was always so surprised that Chastity was the person chosen to be Eve. Even though she’s not a virgin, this choice was made for her, from what I understand. Her screams from when I dropped her into the darkness, and her confession to me, lead me to believe her virginity was stolen from her.
Dammit, my future wife and I really need to have a discussion soon; I just need to show her that I’m a safe place for her confessions.
“Wow,” I whisper. “The Society isn’t known for making such sweeping changes, Dad. I’m kind of in shock here.”
“I know.”Dad chuckles.“I can hear your brain exploding from here. Warn the boys that their first trial is coming, but don’t tell them anything else. This will be difficult because it tests the scars left behind by their histories. None of them have had an easy childhood, and you won’t be able to help them in the tunnels.”
Dad is giving me clues right now, and I file them away without making a big deal about it. I hear Jonas and Bast as I stand, readying to end the call.
“I hear them entering my classroom now, so I’ll let you go.”
“Yes, go talk with them and get them ready. Congratulations, by the way.”Dad chuckles, and I feel my neck heat at the reminder that I’m getting married in a few days.“I never thought you’d fall for her.”
“I thought she was a brat when I first met her,” I grumble, knowing that I’m giving him ammunition.
“I’m sure that’ll be fun in the—”
“God, Dad! Bye!” I yell, hanging up the phone.
I know he’s aware of my proclivities in the bedroom, because he did a deep dive into my life before I became a mentor for the Locked Souls Society, but we agreed to never speak of it. It’s too damn embarrassing knowing that my father knows what gets my dick hard.
Rolling my eyes, I open my office door to see Jonas munching on snacks. Chuckling, I decide to move this meeting to my apartment. They’ll be more comfortable there.
“Alright, let’s go to my house, and we’ll have this discussion there. I’ll make a proper dinner,” I snort. “We have some preparations to make. Your first trial is this week, so get your minds right. Meditate, do your exercises to center yourself, because the trial will be happening somewhere dark.”
The guys’ eyes snap to mine, and I see their understanding that the trial will happen in the tunnels, and probably in the middle of the night.
“I hate being pulled out of bed,” Bast complains. “I can, at least, have my glasses, right?”
“Yeah, I’ll make sure they don’t forget them,” I promise, reminding myself to make a note in his file again that he’ll need them. He doesn’t need to be in the tunnels more blinded than necessary.
They all grab their snacks and head out, and I smirk as I follow. I wonder how my Little Sinner is doing, because she’s yet to text me back.