Page 26 of Locked Promises
Blinking, I feel disoriented as I wake up in a foreign room. Remembering that I’m staying with my brother, I sit up with a small moan of discomfort. Even though it’s been a few weeks, my bruises still have bruises. My phone light is blinking, letting me know I have a message. It’s nighttime now, and I’ve managed to sleep the day away.
Checking the message, I smile at Levi’s text. My stomach growls loudly and I wince. The pain medication helps a lot, but I’m going to look at taking it less if it makes me sleep so much. I want to be able to function. Dropping my phone on the bed, I stand. Closing my eyes against the dizzy feeling, I mutter to myself.
It’s like being on a Tilt a Whirl at full speed, and it's very disorienting. Reaching out, I turn on the lamp, struggling to breathe steadily as I open my eyes. I feel less like I want to puke, and call that a win.
I haven't had a tour of Jacob’s home yet, so I slowly open the door. I don’t want to interrupt him if he’s working. I’m unsure of what kind of hours he keeps. Walking slowly, my legs take me down the hall in search of the kitchen.
Glancing to my left as I walk through the main hall, I stop abruptly. There’s a gorgeous, blond haired man pinning my brother to the couch as he kisses him. His pelvis grinds against Jacob’s, and I look away because I’ve already invaded their privacy enough. My brother’s love life is not my business.
I must make a noise as my foot moves back on the carpeted floor, because they both look up.
“I didn’t… I’m so sorry,” I mutter, continuing down the hall in search of food, but wondering if it’s even worth it. Maybe I should just starve after this embarrassment.
“Fuck… shit… Chastity!” Jacob roars, and I squeak in fear. I’m so disoriented and scared by his yell, I break into a run, opening the first door that leads outside.
Maybe I am safer at Holy Cross. Why am I even here, when I should know better than to trust anyone?
The sound of running follows me and I scream, my feet carrying me faster. The backyard is completely fenced in, and I whirl until I see there’s a door to the right. Turning toward it, I race for it.
“Chastity, what the fuck?!” Jacob yells, and my breath comes faster.
I am going to have a panic attack. I throw myself at the door, whimpering as my poor body asks me what the hell I’m doing. My fingers try to work the lock, and I sob as it won’t open.
Jacob grabs my arm, turning me around, his face angry and red. Throwing myself to the ground, I cover my head.
“Please! Please, I won’t tell anyone. Don’t hurt me!” I scream, sobbing. I can’t get enough air. God, I’m going to die.
“Chastity?” Jacob whispers, but I’m gone. I can’t hear him. I’m locked in the memories of the Adoption Agency, being punched and kicked by people I’ve done nothing to.
What will my brother do to me for finding out his secret?
“Chas, come on. You’re safe. It’s just me,” Jacob cajoles and I shake my head, my bare feet sinking into the dirt as I push myself backwards.
There’s nowhere to go, and the wood slates of the fence dig into my back. Gasping, I writhe, desperate to get away.
“Please, I want Levi. I just want to be with him, don’t hurt me,” I keen.
“Fuck, Little Sister, what did they do to you?” Jacob mutters.
Dropping my hands from my face, I focus on him. “What did they do?!” I yell. “Did you not see? I have no one to protect me, so you could easily kill me and no one would notice.”
Deep inside, I know Levi, Jonas, and Bast would care. Ash is a toss up. I know he needs me to be their Eve, but I don’t really understand why he wants me outside of that.
Jacob sighs, dropping to his knees in front of me. “Chas, I wish I could laugh and tell you you’re being overdramatic,” he starts and I shudder. “The reality is that you truly believe me to be capable of this, don’t you?”
“Our grandmother has hit me with a ruler and ordered Levi to hurt me. And the man who raised me made me want to die,” I intone in a dead voice. “Why wouldn’t you kill me for finding out something like this? I’ve lived through so much, cruelty doesn’t surprise me.”
Jacob does surprise me though by staring at me with glassy eyes. “I really fucked up with you,” he mutters sadly. “If Mom were alive to see this, she’d die of sorrow. You’re not even twenty-years-old, how the hell are you so damn jaded?”
Hiccuping on a sob, I give a broken laugh that’s anything but amused. “I must have been born under an unlucky star. My life has been anything but perfect,” I tell him. “If you’re not planning to hurt me, I’m going to go call Levi to come get me. I don’t want… to be here anymore.”
“Is everything okay out there?” calls out the man I’m assuming is my brother’s boyfriend, and I wrap my arms tighter around myself.
Even though my ribs are screaming at me, the pain helps to ground me.
“You’re hurting yourself,” Jacob says softly, pointing out where my blunt nails are digging into my arms.