Page 8 of Darling Melody
The tears that had been threatening to fall came crashing down and a loud sob left my throat. “You’re here.”
“I can’t even explain how amazing it feels to look across a room and see you standing there.” Meg said through sniffles as she dabbed the tears from her face with a tissue that Mum had shoved into her hand.
I smiled from my spot leaning against the door frame. I’d arrived home from the hospital this afternoon, but I hadn’t text her. Dad had given me back my phone when I got here. They had taken it while I was in hospital, wanting me to recover as much as possible without outside stress. They knew about Meg moving into Lorenzo’s place and about the threats that had forced her into that position. They hadn’t wanted me to worry. But of course I had. I knew she could handle herself, but I also knew how far that man would go. The idea of her being trapped there made my stomach churn.
The look on her tear-stained face was exactly what I had hoped for by surprising her like this. I had missed her so much. I was so glad when Dad told me he would try to help. She might have begun to give up hope for us, but I’d clung to it like it was the only thing keeping me alive.
I took a step forward and grunted at the movement.
“Tobias!” Mum scolded, and both her and Meg jumped up from the sofa and rushed over to me. “Sit your damn ass down boy! You shouldn’t be walking around like this.” She fixed me with her Mum glare, and I shrugged.
“I’m fine.” I lied.
“Toby.” Meg warned, and the two women before me placed their hands on their hips at the same time.
I chuckled at them and glanced over their heads to my dad. He was watching them with the same amused expression that I wore, and I felt a warm buzz rush through me. My girl, here with my family, and fitting in already.
“Fine, fine, I’ll sit.” I said, shuffling past them before falling into the middle of the sofa.
They both rolled their eyes at me and came to sit on either side of me. Mum grabbed my hand and rubbed her thumb over the back of it affectionately.
“She’s right you know. Seeing you there is the best feeling in the world,” Mum said to me and then turned her attention to Meg, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you straight away love, and please, please stop blaming yourself for what happened.” She offered my girl a kind smile and I squeezed her hand.
When I’d first woken up in the hospital bed, a week after Adonis’ attack in my apartment, Mum had been at my bedside. She was furious with Meg, she wanted Dad to declare war, to destroy her and The Brotherhood for what had happened. It was only when I’d explained to her how I felt about Meg, and that it was kind of my own fault that I’d ended up in that hospital bed, that she let go of her anger. Well, her anger towards Meg. She was still out for blood. I was glad to see my mum welcoming her like this, finally calm enough to see that it really wasn’t her fault.I’m the dickhead who decided to yank a knife out of my body and throw it at the arsehole while he was distracted. I’m the dickhead who’s aim was waaaay off.
“I will always blame myself,” Meg gave my mum a week smile in return. “But I’ll get my revenge.” Her smile brightened and a laugh bubbled at my lips. She had a bloodlust to rival Dad’s.
“You’re damn right we will, and I have a fun little idea that I’d like to run past you to throw him off of the scent of you two.” he said from his armchair.
Meg turned her attention to him and he explained what he had in mind, I personally thought it was a bit much, but Meg agreed that something like that would work to ensure Lorenzo believed that there was no longer an ‘us’.
“I’ll send a couple of the boys out tonight to do it then.” He said as he raised his glass and tossed back the remains of his drink.
“Right love,” he addressed mum, “I think it’s time to let these two catch up. Who’d have thought that our son would end up falling for a Brother,” He stood up from his chair and held his hand out to mum.Holy crap they were adorable!
“Thank you,” Meg said, standing too and nodding to my Dad. “For everything. For helping me, for letting me know how Toby was getting on, and for not killing me.” her eyes welled up and I sighed happily, she cared so fucking much.
“Look at you, getting all soft and gooey over my boy, you’re not half as scary as they think you are. Just don’t be so damn slow next time yeah?” Dad said and gave her a playful wink.
She nodded and I reached for her hand and pulled her back onto the sofa. Mum and Dad hurried out of the room, Dad was whispering something in her ear, and she giggled like a teenager.That, that is what I want.
I pulled Meg towards me, and she snuggled against my side and tucked her feet up under herself.
“I missed you little one.” I murmured into her hair and placed a kiss to the top of her head. “I wish you could’ve visited me.”
I knew why she couldn’t, there were too many risks. So I had to spend the last couple of weeks missing her and relying on the eyes that I had on the outside to keep her safe.
“I do too, I’m so happy that you’re home. How are you healing up? Am I hurting you?” She pushed away from me abruptly.
I pulled her back in though, “No, you’re not hurting me, I’m fine, I’m better than fine actually.”
“Ok,” she said softly and twisted her neck to look up at me. I met her deep green gaze, then noticed that she was chewing on her lower lip. I grasped her chin and tugged until she released it.
“Why are you nervous?” I asked, and her brows pulled together.