Page 9 of Darling Melody
“How did you-,” she began then huffed out a breath. “A small part of me is worried that youdoblame me for what happened.”
“No Vixen, I did it to myself, I tried to be a hero, and failed, epically.” I cringed, “Anyway, how are things at the house, is Lorenzo hurting you? Have you and Adonis sorted out your shit?” I asked. I was desperate to know how everything was in her life.
“I hate it there,” she snarled, her eyes flaring with anger. “But no, he isn’t hurting me, not that he could. He’s making threats, but so far he hasn’t acted on anything. I feel sick every time I’m in the same room as him, Toby I need this plan to work. Getting out of The Brotherhood is the first step.” Her eyes softened and I ran my fingers up and down her arm. “And no, I’m not speaking to Adonis, fuck him, I’ll never get over what he did to you.”
The fire was building back up inside her, but I doused the flames with a soft laugh.
“Vixen, forgive him,” I said with a broad grin, her face twisted with disgust, “I’m serious, IfI’mover what he did, you should be too, and I get why he did what he did. He reacted exactly how any slightly unhinged man would react when presented with a guy who he thought was linked to his mum’s murder. And he was a damn sight more helpful in the end than you were.” I raised my brows at her with a playful accusatory look.
She groaned, “I was scared, I thought you were dead.” she said defensively, “Sorry for caring.”
I barked a loud laugh as she pouted in an attempt to hide her smile, but it broke through and I swear to god I melted on the sofa. That smile had me a puddle of a man.
My hand lifted to her cheek, and I lowered my face towards hers, she met me in the middle, her own hand locking around the back of my neck and dragging me into a breath-taking kiss.
“Next time, show you care by actually doing something,” I teased as we broke away from each other.
She swatted my arm and I reclined back into the cushions of the sofa, my head resting along the back, “He came to visit me.” I said.
“Who?” she asked as she twisted her body so that she was on her knees facing me, “Who did?”
“Adonis,” I said and lifted my head to meet her concerned gaze. “He visited me a lot actually, he felt like crap about what he did.”
She shook her head in disbelief.
“So, you’ll forgive him now?” I asked her, giving her my very best kicked puppy look.
“Eugh, fine.” she said, but she didn’t look convinced. “What did you guys even talk about? I can’t imagine Adonis just sitting by your side pouring his heart or you two bonding over, well, anything.”
I reached out and coiled a strand of her hair around my finger, “That’s a secret.”
Meg groaned again and wriggled back into a position where she could snuggle up to me, “I’m sick of secrets.” she huffed, and I laughed lightly.
“It’s a good secret Vixen.”
I watch her as she makes her way up the driveway from my spot by the lounge window. It’s late, far too late for her to be sneaking home. I’m pretty sure I know where she’s been, and I think I managed to cover for her well enough. But she can’t just do shit like this.
I don’t understand why I feel so compelled to help her, but I do. Maybe it’s to do with the promise that I made, maybe it’s because I see so much of myself in her. Either way, I can’t do shit if she doesn’t let me in.
She pulls into the garage, but I don’t go to meet her, instead I switch off the lamp that has been lighting my corner of the room and head to the door. I open it a crack and watch her. Curious. A small part of me wonders if she is going to crawl into his bed. Maybe this is all an act, or maybe she’s going to take the lowest blow possible and finish him in his sleep. That would be disappointing.
She makes her way from the garage door into the foyer and slips her shoes off and gathers them up in the bundle of fabric that is already in her arms. She looks like she’s been working out, dressed in her black leggings and matching sports bra, but I know she hasn’t. Toby isn’t going to be at the gym, and she isn’t likely to show her face there without him.
If I was her, I’d have been at the hospital, but she hadn’t shown up once. I knew why, Charon had told her to stay away from there, for everyone’s safety, but if I was in her shoes, I’d have ignored that old Bastardo and done whatever the fuck I wanted to be with the man I claim to, I don’t actually know, care a stupid amount about?
Once she reached the top of the stairs she paused,don’t disappoint me Nutmeg,then turned in the direction of the guest bedroom.Good girl.
I waited a few minutes before making my own way up to my room. Lorenzo had gone to bed shortly after we had arrived home from our meeting at The Crown, I presumed he was asleep, but who knew, maybe he was doing the same thing that I was, being a creepy fucker spying on the deliciously defiant woman who he allegedly loved.
He had accepted the lie I’d fabricated to cover her ass. I’d convinced Clive to tell Lorenzo that Nutmeg had gone to meet Eden for a drink, whoever the hellshewas, I’d heard the name a couple of times in his threats though, so I presumed she was someone important to her. Lorenzo hadn’t been happy about it and had called her to confirm the story. Luckily, she wasn’t dumb, and was a pretty good actress when it suited her, she had even managed to pretend to be this Eden person and slurred some ‘drunk’ comments down the line. Unless sheactuallywas with Eden.
I gently closed my bedroom door behind me, careful not to make any noise that she might hear from the room next door, then slipped out of my suit and climbed into the fresh white sheets that laid neatly on my bed and drifted off into a light, dreamless sleep.