Page 20 of Three's A Crown
“Their father gambled away their fortune and forgot to sign the change in succession order which means the oldest daughter can’t be Queen. So, now they must wait till they find a male heir to take over their kingdom for them as they aren’t allowed to,” I explain. I may have done some extra digging before the ball tonight.
“Can they not fight that?” Auggie asks.
I shrug my shoulders, I’m not up to date about Aegina succession laws.
“You’d think they’d be desperate to gain my attention like all the other women tonight, then, wouldn’t you?” Auggie asks, staring out into the darkness, that ego of his working in overdrive.
“The blonde sister did.”
“Via her magnificent breasts.” Auggie chuckles.
Yes, they were magnificent, but breasts are breasts, big or small, they are fun either way.
“What the hell happened between you and the other princess?” Auggie asks with a smile on his face.
“Who?” I look at him with narrowed eyes as I shove my hands into the pockets of my tuxedo pants.
“You know who I’m talking about. Umm … what was her name again?” Auggie smirks.
“Rosalie,” I answer quickly, her name falling from my lips easily.
“That’s right,” Auggie says with a chuckle. “You remember her name easily, but none of the others we have met tonight.” He raises a brow and rubs his chin.
“Of course, I remember. It’s my job to remember women that could be shortlisted. You get easily distracted by overinflated objects,” I tease.
Auggie shrugs his shoulders, not denying the fact he’s a boob guy.
“She … intrigues me.”
“As you did her,” Auggie adds. His eyes fall to my lips for the briefest of moments before he looks back up at my eyes. “She was the first woman tonight to be more enamored with you than me.”
“Maybe she’s playing the game differently,” I explain to him.
“You think? Or maybe she’s interested in you,” Auggie states.
“Jealous?” I tease.
“A little.” He grins. “She filled out her dress perfectly, didn’t she?”
I nod in agreement. The way the material hugged her petite frame, with pert nipples pressing against the thin material as she took in my gaze.Did she like me looking at her?
“This isn’t about me,” I say. Auggie’s eyebrows raise in surprise.
“It kind of is.” He chuckles as he reaches out and clasps his hand around my neck, his fingers digging into my skin.
“Rosalie … she’s interested in you,” Auggie says, then bites his bottom lip. “And I don’t blame her, I find it hard to keep my eyes off you too,” he says before he pulls my lips to his and kisses me.
We lose ourselves in the kiss for a couple of moments before remembering where we are.
“She’s interested in you also,” I tell him.
“Because of my generous engagement gift.” He huffs.
Is Auggie jealous of Rosalie giving me attention? “Your ego is out of control, babe.” I laugh. “The number of women that didn’t even notice me as I stood beside you tonight is astronomical and yet you don’t see me pouting about it.”
“Shoot me, I like the attention of a beautiful woman,” he says with a grin.
“Will this be a problem?” I ask him.