Page 11 of Games with the Orc
"What is—"
"You don't want my fingers," the orc said, throwing a pillowed platform to the floor at my feet and waving the ridiculously large and tapered dildo in his hand, clearly well lubricated. The head was a normal size, but it grew significantly larger down its length into a thoroughly intimidating fist bulb at the base.
"I didn't say I didn't—Mphm!"
Two thick fingers were stuffed into my mouth, dull claws catching my tongue and pinning it down. He tasted clean, a little salty, and my mouth sucked on his digits automatically, eagerly. Warmth bloomed in my core under his gaze.
"You need to be stretched. Show me you can be good and ready yourself for me. Get this wet with your cunt down to the base," he said, waving the dildo in my face. "And get me slick with your mouth down to my root, pet."
The awkwardness of minutes ago was gone now. This was what I'd wanted. And it didn't feel strange at all. It wasn't even very frightening. I was calm—calm and desperate at the same time.
"Yeth, mather," I mumbled around the fingers in my mouth, licking them greedily just to prove that I could do the task he'd set before me—give or take that dildo. Surely he didn't mean the whole thing. That suede texture of his skin was a little unusual against my tongue, abrasive one way, soft the other.
The orc hummed thoughtfully for a moment, glaring at me, and then nodded, pulling his fingers free of my lips. He knelt, pressing the dildo to the platform, tugging me to stand with my legs spread, feet barely balanced on either side. He paused there, his eyes focused on the stretched V of my thighs briefly before darting up to meet mine.
"You do as I say," he said, almost casually.
I nodded.
"Knee up."
My heart stopped for a moment, but my right knee went up to his shoulder.
He leaned in, broad nose and jaw pressing into the skin of my sex, hot breath huffing into my pussy. My lips were parted on a pant as I stared down at him just breathing me in, the smooth and firm press of his tusks framing my folds perfectly. I couldn't see it from above, but I moaned as a slick, scorching hot, long tongue stroked against me, teasing my opening again as his finger had.
"Pretty little cunt," he whispered, as if he were speaking to it directly rather than me, praising just one part of me in particular. He licked again and then folded his lips around a crease of skin and sucked on it like a kiss. My leg holding me up trembled, my arms growing sore from the stretch, but as gentle as he was being, I wouldn't have interrupted him for the world.
Harry had certainly never done that before. Sure, he'd gone down on me, even seemed to enjoy himself, but he'd never done so with such private reverence.
The orc mirrored the kiss on another fold, took a last lick, and then just as I thought I might go completely limp and use his face as a real seat, he pulled away.
His tongue, a dark shade of brown, was cleaning up his lips as he rose, not paying any attention to my whimpers or trembles, as he reached up to the chains with one hand and wrapped the other around my waist. I sagged into him as he loosened the chains, rubbing my cheek over the velvet of his chest as he lowered me to the…
Directly onto the dildo, which nudged almost rudely at my warm and tingling cunt, more insistent and clumsy than the orc's wonderful tongue had been. He folded my knees up to the platform, settling me in my seat and testing the height of the chains.
"Do I get to use my hands, master?" The name was still awkward on my tongue every time I used it and felt more like playacting than the chains or his mouth on my cunt.
"No." And then he stood again, and I understood the need for the platform. He was too tall for me to kneel on my own and still suck on his cock, but now my face hovered in front of his crotch, barely covered by the flippant little leather skirt he wore, massive thighs on either side of my cheeks. Large hands in front of my face reached for the clasp of the skirt belt. His thighs were radiating heat, and I wanted to press myself to their muscles, seeking warmth and more of that soft, dense texture of his skin.
And then the leather parted, and I sat back, notching the head of the toy inside of myself as I gaped at the cock in my face. It was not quite as thick as the bulb at the base of the dildo but certainly much larger than anything I'd navigated before. I wasn't sure I'd even be able to—
"Open." The orc stepped closer, and the smell of him here at his cock was rich and sharp as a leaf pile and just a hint nutty, like his breath had been.
My mouth seemed to press shut even tighter in response to the order, and claw-tipped fingers reached out to grip my chin, lifting it up until those fire spots in his black eyes were staring down at me.
"Pet. Ride the cock beneath you and open your mouth."
Of the two, the dildo was less intimidating, especially since the snarl of the orc's voice only made me wetter as he glared down at me. The platform I knelt on was padded, allowing me to sink in and holding me steady as I bared down on the silicone until I felt it pinch and stretch at me. The orc's fingers tightened on my chin as I rose up again and opened my mouth at last, leaning in and licking around the broad, rounded head of his cock.
The bite of salt and the flavor of dark, bitter walnuts pooled on my tongue, and I hummed. He just barely fit between my lips, and he was only an inch or two in before my jaw and gag reflex started to protest at my mouth being so full. I pulled away with a gasp and stared at the length before me. I couldn't swallow that cock—it would kill me, surely? But I could be creative.
I'd forgotten about the toy I was seated on in my focus on the orc before me, twice as menacing now as he loomed above me.
"If you don't stretch your pretty cunt for me, we'll never get anywhere, pet," the orc growled, his bright tusks creating a false curve to his lips.
I glared back up at him and stretched my mouth open wide, tongue flat, leaning in to lick up the underside of his cock, bouncing myself on the dildo slightly. It felt a little fruitless. I didn't have hands to help me with my work, or even to touch myself and ease the way down the dildo, and I wasn't aroused enough yet for the stretch to be anything but a sting.
The orc's hands reached out, his eyes sparking above me as thick fingers clasped around my throat, just tight enough for me to feel my own pulse drum against his digits.