Page 12 of Games with the Orc
"Shall I teach your body to take me?" he asked.
Goose bumps broke out over my skin as I nodded and relaxed slightly, pressing my mouth to the head of his cock and suckling slightly before pulling away to say, "Please, master."
The orc released a low rumble of approval, and his hands pushed down against the slope of my neck, a strange tension I hadn't even noticed unwinding now that he had me in his grasp. The pinch shifted into a pleasant ache, and he arched his hips forward, sliding his cock against my lips. I suckled as it slid to the corner of my mouth, against my cheeks, covering every inch of thick length with sloppy kisses.
There was an unfamiliar structure beneath the velvet skin my lips and tongue teased, almost like the cock was moving within its own sleeve, a pulsing pump sliding up and down, and I was immediately curious as to how it would feel inside me. Interest eased my path another inch on the dildo, and I moaned as one of the bulbs seemed to lodge inside of me, pressing against my core.
"Your greedy cunt will be so full by the time I'm done with you, my pet, my prize." The orc's voice had a resonance as it grew deeper, two rich tones at once bouncing off the stone, pricking at my skin.
He started to lean away, the pressure of his hands easing on my shoulders, and I chased him immediately, raising myself up the dildo again, whimpering and swaying as the thick bulb pulled free. My mouth was hunting for the base of his cock, my lips tingling from the soft friction of his skin, hairless even over the incredibly large and rounded sac hanging at his base.
There was a sticky streak against my cheek, and I rooted against his rigid base with my eyes closed, equally self-conscious about my own shameless endeavor as I was…
A claw dug against my pulse, and my eyes opened on another moan, mouth open wide to try and envelop as much of him as I could.
"I'll teach that throat to take me too, pet. I'll teach your lungs to wait for my pleasure."
I sank back onto the dildo, down past the stretch I'd already embraced, the orc's cock rubbing and now streaking my other cheek with richly fragrant precum. He pushed hard on my shoulders, and I cried out, eyes widened and body rocking as he forced me onto the next width of the dildo.
"Look down, pet," he growled.
I glanced down from the weeping head of his dark cock to see that there was only one width left to take, although the sight of my body stretched taut against its shape made the feat seem impossible.
To distract myself from the challenge, I surged back up, wrapping my mouth around the orc's cock, fixing my gaze to his as I worked myself on the dildo and sucked roughly. He rumbled, hips flexing forward just a bit, and this time, he sank in against my tongue slightly easier, my eagerness easing the shock of his girth.
"What a hungry pet," the orc rasped, and my whole body warmed at the praise, heat stirring and pooling in my cunt. "Untrained," he added, and now my blush was scorching.
The idea that I might be trained to please a man like the orc was so outrageous, so outside the world I'd retreated from for the week, that it made me feel as though I'd fallen out of my own life and into this moment—as much the orc's invention as it was mine, because the sharpness of reality made even the simplest of my fantasies vivid and electric.
I ignored my own protesting reflex and forced the orc's cock to the back of my throat, that fire in his eyes flaring.
"Suck, pet, swallow me."
The suggestion was impossible, but it made me sing around him, saliva slipping onto his skin the same way slick arousal now coated the dildo I fucked myself onto urgently. I tried to hollow my cheeks but he was already filling them, tried to pull him deeper into me but there was nowhere left to go. A warm thread of precum leaked down my throat, working like some kind of spell to halt the gagging. I whimpered at my own inability to do more than the remarkable act I'd already managed.
"Beg for my help," the orc murmured, the words twining around me in that strange, layered voice of his.
I couldn't beg, not stuffed like this. My jaw ached and my lungs were already tight, my arms numb. But I bobbed myself onto his cock, eyes weeping as I gazed up at him, seeing only the sparks of his stare, the dense muscle of his arms rising into shadows, the ridged planes of his stomach flexing and jumping with every weak suckle of my lips.
He pushed forward and my eyes widened, body protesting the force even as my brain begged for him to conquer me. But his hands were cupped around the back of my neck, fingers flexing down to my shoulders, pushing me down to the floor at the same pace that he pressed himself into my mouth, head breeching my throat, more of that silky rich fluid soothing what surely should've been agonizing pressure. That pumping sensation inside of his cock was more obvious inside of my mouth, a complementing and contrasting pace to his own subtle thrusts of his hips.
There were only a few inches of his cock left to take, and I tried to soften my body, willing myself to swallow him, to burrow my nose to his base. But the orc knew my limits and my potential better than I did. His hands pushed me down, my arms stinging from a new stretch, thighs burning as I splayed wide, and the shocking explosion of an orgasm as the lips of my sex reached the base of the dildo and the final bulb pressed roughly into every inch of my opening.
I couldn't scream, not with my lips gagged by lovely, thick, velvety cock, but I heard the chains rattle above me as I shook, pinned in position by my full cunt and mouth. The heat surged through me, soft fire licking up my chest, right up into my cheeks where clawed thumbs were stroking, gentle scratches.
"Good little pet, so soft and wet for me now, so ready."
In the storm and bliss of the orgasm I'd forgotten there would be more, but it came back with the lovely bloom of aftershocks.
I wanted my orc's cock. It was drawing free of my slack mouth, my tongue and lips and throat feeling not stretched and sore, but soothed as if I'd received a very specific and thorough massage. I licked my lips, found more of that rich and salty flavor at the corners, and blinked my eyes. I rocked my hips slightly and panted at the flutter of pleasure that came with the rub of the bulbs inside of me.
In front of my nose, the orc's cock was producing a thin dribble of fluid, pulsating with that internal pump.
I rose up, whining as the dildo seemed to retract out of me with the pulse of the bulbs against my opening. The orc's fiery stare was warm, almost orangey now, my eyes having adjusted enough to the darkness to see him more clearly. The blunt nose, nostrils flaring around a golden ring through his septum, sharp high ears also lightly decorated in gold, incredibly broad and angular features, a braid of hair drawing back from his skull, sides shaved. If he were a human man, he would not be considered handsome, I supposed, but he was stunning to me—feral and furious and hungry for me.
In the back of my head I knew this was a calculated game, that I had paid this orc to be here with me, to fuck me, to chain me and teach my body to accept his. I was equally sure in this moment that I'd pleased or impressed him in some way and that he wanted to fuck me. That pumping cock, dribbling onto my bare breasts, was enough of an indication, even if his expression weren't.