Page 111 of Until Forever
And before Gate could face the room to evaluate crowd response, Brent stepped forward and spoke, “I am not afraid to cut a bitch, and I have a badge that says I’ll get away with it, so all you hookers can get your eyes right back in your heads before I start slicing and dicing.”
Anna nearly choked.
Gate held out his hand, “I had no idea I was gonna like you.”
Brent took the hand and shook, “Same goes. I’ve had this girl’s back for a while now, and honestly, I’m ready to pass that off to someone who can be a little more demonstrative, if you catch my meaning.”
“I do,” Gate said. “If y’all are ready, the best place to see what we’ve got is with Stash and Rooster. They’re expecting us.”
Gate took Anna’s hand and led her across the room with Brent keeping pace on the other side.
“Gotta warn you,” Gate said. “They’re pretty unconventional.”
Brent shrugged, “So am I.”
They made the hallway that led through the brothers’ living quarts and stopped at a door that was propped open.
“Come on in, chief,” someone called from inside the room.
Gate entered and stepped aside to make room for Anna and Brent.
“Oh, my God,” Brent breathed, wide eyes taking in the sensory overload.
Twin big screens played a classic Tasmanian Devil cartoon on one side and Smithsonian Chanel on the other while computer screens flashed with stock market ticker tapes, YouTube DIY videos, dark web navigation, and a Falling In Reverse music video, something about zombies.
“There’s a lot going on in here,” Brent said.
“And this is just what’s on the surface,” Gate pointed out.
“Wow,” Brent breathed.
“Show them what you’ve got,” Gate said.
Stash wheeled around in his chair and pointed to one of the big screens that flashed from Taz to a black and white photo of a man in a business suit and a very pregnant, very much younger woman.
“You know this guy?” Rooster asked.
“Everybody in the agency knows this guy,” Anna replied.
“That his daughter?” Brent asked.
“Nope,” Stash answered. “That’s his mistress who’s about forty-two months pregnant with his kid.”
“Holy shit,” Anna whispered.
“According to the prenup….” Stash started.
“You’ve seen his prenup?” Brent asked.
Stash shot him a look.
Brent held up his hands, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to doubt.”
“As I was saying,” Stash went on, “according to his prenup, if he’s caught in any sort of infidelity, everything that his wife has amassed while they’ve been married reverts solely to her possession at the time of their separation.”
“His wife? Who’s she?” Anna asked.
“The granddaughter of the legendary Hines Mills, the largest carpet manufacturer in the world,” Rooster answered.