Page 112 of Until Forever
“She’s the only family member granddad trusted with the empire, and she’s grown it exponentially,” Stash added. “And she’s notoriously reclusive, so I’m not surprised you’ve never seen her.”
“I didn’t even know he was married,” Anna said. “So he’s the dirty one?”
“Seems to have started out as blackmail,” Rooster said. “You know, look the other way, or your wife gets the sonogram pictures.”
“But once your boss got a taste of the money,” Stash said.
“And the power,” Rooster nodded.
“He really bought into the operation,” Stash finished.
Gate turned to Anna, “How do you wanna handle this?”
Anna gestured toward Brent, “We’ve come up with something, but you’re not going to like it.”
“I was afraid of that,” Gate sighed. “Well, let’s hear it.”
“We already discussed that someone needs to go undercover,” Anna explained.
“We said the same thing!” Stash laughed, throwing Rooster a high five.
“But we don’t know how deep the corruption goes, so we don’t really have any way to support the mission,” Anna admitted.
Stash wheeled his chair around and gestured to Rooster and the tech decorating the room. “Did you not just see what we can do?”
“You guys are amazing,” Anna said, “but we can’t ask you to throw in with a couple of rogue FBI consultants.”
“You’re not asking. We’re offering,” Gate corrected.
Anna started to protest, but Brent interrupted her, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, babe.” Then he turned to Gate, “We’d be glad to partner with you guys, and we appreciate the help. Now, how is this going to work?”
“I’ve already made a call,” Gate said.
Moving folders and documents around on my desk without really seeing anything, I turned the meeting at the compound over in my mind for the thousandth time.
Gate was willing to help.
He was putting the power of the club behind me.
Of course, Gate had skin in the game too. He was out for the blood of whoever had stolen the girls who were under the protection of the club. Regardless of Gate’s reasons for getting involved, partnering with the brothers was more than I could have ever dreamed.
And tapping a pen on my desk, I realized that I trusted the Iron Dragons by far more than I trusted my own agency.
The phone on my desk buzzed, jarring me out of the dark thoughts chasing each other around my head.
“I know this is a strange request,” Sarah, my office assistant started, “but your presence has been requested in the park.”
“The park?”
“You know, the one down the street?”
“Yeah, I know the park. But by who?”