Page 159 of Until Forever
And Gate was glad for the distraction. His little tete a tete with Jenna had nearly scraped his nerves raw.
“We’re still going with stealth?” Deuce asked, stepping into the family room.
“We’ve got this,” Stash’s voice came from the dining room.
Deuce shrugged, “Just offering.”
“C-4 isn’t the answer to everything,” Brick said, picking over the charcuterie board Layla and Gabby had laid out on the kitchen island.
“You guys got snacks? Cool,” Deuce said, helping himself.
“Got margaritas too,” Layla said, shaking her glass in his direction.
“Kinda prissy,” Deuce observed.
“Kinda delicious,” Layla grinned. “But you’re riding tonight. I get it.”
Brick turned to Gate, “Where is she?”
“Still upstairs,” Gate said with a head nod in that direction.
“A wet dream of a car just pulled up in the drive,” Gabby announced from the front of the
Gate followed the mass exodus that headed in that direction. The girls crowded around
the front windows like they were still in high school.
The Aston Martin rolled to a stop.
And the collective gasp when Nine emerged from the car told Gate all he needed to know. His brother looked the part.
“Is that a Brioni tux?” Margo gasped.
“Oh, wow,” Gabby whispered.
“This shit might actually work,” Layla agreed.
“That doesnotlook like Nine,” Deuce observed.
And Gate had to agree. This Nine carried himself like a totally different person. His posture, his expression, his walk. The whole package was someone Gate had never seen before.
“What’s in the box?” Gabby asked as they watched Nine retrieve a large white box tied with a red bow from the passenger’s seat.
Then he started for the front door.
“I think I just got pregnant,” Layla said.
“I highly recommend it,” Jenna joked.
And then Nine was standing in front of them, his expression inscrutable. “Could someone please carry this to Anna?”
Layla reached for the box, “I got you, fam.”
“Come on, Nine. We can get started on you first,” Stash said from the family room.
Show over, the girls meandered from the family room to the kitchen to refresh their drinks, and Deuce and Brick went back to the snacks.