Page 160 of Until Forever
“We never have charcuterie at the compound,” Deuce said.
“Why don’t you put that request in to Linda and see what happens?” Brick laughed.
Gate bypassed them and kept walking until he joined Stash and Nine in the family room. Stash held a gnat-sized camera in one hand and started for the collar of Nine’s jacket.
“It’s gonna come off,” Nine said.
So Stash moved toward a button on Nine’s shirt.
“That too.”
“The shirt?” Stash asked.
“Yeah,” Nine agreed.
Stash stepped back, “What exactly are you keeping on?”
Gate wondered the same thing, but he kept his mouth shut.
“You’ll have better luck if you put it on Anna,” Nine offered.
“We’ve got one for her too,” Rooster called from the dining room.
Nine nodded, “Okay, then pants. Can you get it on the button?”
Stash talked while he went to work, “We won’t be able to see anything until you take off your jacket.”
“Won’t take long,” Nine said.
Layla bounded down the stairs, “She’s right behind me, and she looksbomb.”
Gate turned, and then his breath left him in awhoosh, and he couldn’t draw another one if his life depended on it.
Anna’s red hair was piled high, jewels glittered at her ears and throat, and a while cashmere cape trimmed in fur swirled around her legs as she walked.
Gate had no idea what she had on underneath it, and suddenly, he knew the reason Nine had brought the gift.
He turned to Nine who was still absorbed in Rooster’s sound test.
“Thank you,” Gate said.
Nine glanced up, “No problem.” Then he went back to the sound check.
Gate crossed the room and met Anna at the bottom of the stairs. The height of the first step plus her heels put them at eye level. He reached up and touched her cheek. “Got no words for how beautiful you look.”
“You okay?” she asked.
“I’m good,” Gate said. “You’re gonna kick ass.”
Anna stroked a hand down the fur trim of her cape, “Nine brought me a cape.”
Gate grinned, “Not sure if he did that for you or for me, but I appreciate it.”
Anna laughed, “You know after this the girls are going to consider it their mission to get him hooked up with someone.”
“Then God bless that brother,” Gate smirked.
Anna licked her lips, and Gate could see the flutter of her nervous pulse at the base of her