Page 28 of Until Forever
Gate moved to go around him, and that’s when Deuce stepped in and grabbed hold.
“You can try to go through me, and that’s your right, as pissed off as you are right now, but what I need you to do is think about what you want most in the world,” Deuce said. “What you’ve wanted most in the world for a long time.”
“I want my woman back,” Gate said through gritted teeth, admitting for the first time out loud the weight he’d been carrying for the past fifteen years.
“Then think about the cards you’re holding and the best way to play them,” Deuce said. “And blowing Anna’s cover in the middle of Sweet’s baby shower is not it.”
Finally, Gate’s eyes focused on Deuce rather than the door, and he relaxed.
“What are you saying?” Gate asked.
“She’s not just your woman. She’s yourwife. Think about what it says that she never signed the papers. Never turned them into the court. What does that tell you?” Deuce asked.
Tumblers clicked into place.
“She didn’t want the divorce either,” Gate said.
“So what’s the next question?” Deuce prodded.
“Why’d she try to make it look like she did?” Gate mused aloud, stepping away from Deuce to lean back against the wall. He scrubbed a hand across his eyes and blew out the breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding.
“Exactly,” Deuce agreed. “I wasn’t around to see it, but from what I’ve heard, you and Anna were the shit. Happy as fuck. So what could have happened that would make her do what she did?”
“Somebody else was pulling her strings,” Gate said. “Somebody besides me.”
Deuce nodded, “Now’s the time to be a surgeon, not a sledgehammer.”
At that, Gate’s focus narrowed, “What do you know?”
Deuce shrugged, “Just what I saw.”
“Which was?”
“Intel Talon got about the girls and where they were being held came from Anna,” Deuce said.
“And he didn’t tell me that?” Gate questioned, surprised that his V.P had held such information back.
“The way you act around her, not surprising,” Stash pointed out.
“Point is, when she gave T what she knew, her main goal wasn’t to help the club,” Deuce said. “It was to protect you.”
“Protect me?” Gate asked, wondering what the fuck his girl had gotten into and how deep into it she was.
“That’s the last thing she said to T. Made him promise that he’d protect you because she couldn’t anymore,” Deuce answered.
“She’s been protecting me?” Gate said aloud. “You two know anything about this?” Gate asked, looking to Stash and Rooster.
Stash shook his head, “Not this part, no.”
“Next thing I saw,” Deuce said, pulling Gate’s attention back to him, “was the night of the party.”
“Fuck,” Gate said, “the night Anna stopped by for Stella.”
Deuce nodded, “The night the brunette was hanging off your arm.”
“I told her I wished it was her,” Gate whispered. He paused and then looked up, “And after she left, you tried to tell me something.”