Page 29 of Until Forever
Deuce just nodded.
“What was it?” Gate asked.
“After you gave Anna that bit of information, I watched her walk to her car. Watched her get in, just to make sure she was okay. And then I watched her sit there and bawl.”
Gate dropped his head, “Fuck.”
“That woman’s still got it for you something serious,” Deuce said.
“The things she’s seen me do,” Gate muttered still staring at the floor. “The women she’s seen me with.”
“Gate,” Rooster started on a shrug, “just to say, you’ve got the perfect in with her right now.”
Gate looked up, hope flaring in his chest for the first time in what felt like decades. “Talk,” he said.
“Us and the Feds, we’re on two different teams, but we’re working toward the same goal,” Rooster said.
“Busting up Freemont’s sex trade,” Gate supplied.
“She’s got a task force. But you’ve got information,” Stash said, pointing to the desk full of rearranged surveillance.
“Feds can’t scratch their asses without committee approval,” Deuce scoffed, shaking his head.
“But we don’t need approval for shit,” Gate said.
“Andyou have a judge,” Deuce smirked.
“Now that we’ve found Freemont, we won’t lose him,” Rooster vowed. “You’ll know what she knows, probably before she knows it.”
Gate straightened from the wall and faced his brothers. “We’ll get Freemont,” Gate said. “And I’m gonna get my girl.”
Deuce grinned, “She won’t even know what happened.”
Chapter Seven
Still the Queen
Leaning back against the bar, baby blue paper cup of un-spiked punch in hand, I watched Stella work the crowd of women who were celebrating Jenna’s pregnancy, and seriously wished for a glass of wine.
Or Tequila. Whiskey. Hell, it didn’t matter.
Tex was playing DJ, and for once, it wasn’t twangy country crooning through the speakers, but some indie pop tunes that created a happy baby shower vibe.
The women huddled around the gift table, snacks in hand, andoohedandahhhedover everything Jenna opened.
And it did my heart good to see that such a rough and tumble brother as Talon didn’t seem to give the first fuck about what anybody else thought about his woman’s baby shower crashing an MC compound. He hunkered down with his girl andoohedandahhhedwith the best of them, clearly thrilled with his son’s impending arrival.
I also noticed that the brothers who milled around the common room didn’t give Talon any shit about it either.
They did, however, seem pretty thrown by my presence, and I knew if it weren’t for Stella’s place front and center with the guest of honor, I’d probably be out on my ass.
I watched Brick over the rim of my cup, the wheels in his mind clearly turning as he didn’t bother to hide the fact that he was watching me too.
I sighed.
I wanted to yell across the room,Don’t worry. I don’t want to be here either!