Page 82 of Sleep for Me
“W-Was it…was it acceptable? The sex,” she clarified when he gave her a puzzled frown.
“Acceptable,” Saul scoffed, urging her legs apart before he grabbed the washcloth. “Little rabbit, all I can taste is you. My ears are still ringing with the way you cried my goddamn name, and my cock continues to throb with the belief this tight little cunt is wrapped around it.” As though she were made of glass, he tended to her pussy like a man who cared for his possessions with almost obsessive pride. “I think it’s safe to say you blew acceptable out of the fucking water. Just relax and stop worrying.”
Processing that, she drank slowly, and then nibbled on a cookie as Saul finished his task and snagged his own bottle of water. He didn’t consume it slowly—oh no, he proved to be a temptation yet again as he downed it, head tilted back and the muscles in his throat working with every swallow.
“So…what do we do now?”
“Whatever you like. We can go watch a movie, take a shower, have a nap. We can stay right here and cuddle for the rest of the afternoon. What do you feel like doing, bunny?”
She licked her lips. “I-I’d like to cuddle with you. Even if it’s just for a few minutes.”
“We have all afternoon, little rabbit. I’m all yours.” Saul set the empty bottles and the cloth aside, then dragged her on top of him. Skin to skin.
Caera snuggled into him, stiffening a little when his fingers began to idly trace the scars on her back. She shook off the unease that came with knowing someone had beaten her brutally enough to leave a lasting mark in her flesh, closing her eyes and sighing contentedly.
Maybe he was hers, but she didn’t deserve him.
They napped for most of the afternoon.
Well, Caera did.
Saul refused to let himself do more than doze with the slender woman he adored snoring softly on his chest. There was a huge, untapped reserve of emotion inside her and her small breakdown had only released a fraction of the pressure. He knew she was at her most vulnerable when she permitted herself to sleep, and he’d opened a wide crack in her defenses.
Already, he’d quietened the nightmares twice. The fuckers were persistent, and one day, he would figure out how to silence them permanently.
Caera snuffled adorably as he heard a voice in the hallway. A quick glance at the clock told him it was likely Connie arriving home. Maybe even Anarchy, he thought as a second female chimed into the conversation.
Damn, that ruled out taking his rabbit for another ride on the sheets, and that was just a shame. Now the taste of her was lodged in his taste buds, and his cock respectfully declined to forget how goddamn snug her pussy felt around it…he was in serious trouble.
He stroked down her spine, feeling the ridges of her scars pass beneath his palm. She hadn’t liked him touching them earlier, but she’d settled. She would have to get used to him touching and exploring things she shied away from, and learn how to expand her boundaries without snapping them in two.
There was one outstanding positive from today, Saul mused, trailing his fingertips over the slight swell of her ass. He was almost one hundred percent positive that his little rabbit, however traumatized by what Dominic and Rita had done to her, hadn’t been subjected to rape.
It was a godsend, one he was grateful for, but that didn’t mean the assholes could go unpunished for their crimes.
By rights, he wasn’t a violent man. Dominant, protective, occasionally willing to plant his fist in a guy’s face if he overstepped a mark…absolutely. Was he the type to single-handedly hunt down someone who pissed him off and ruthlessly eradicate their existence off the face of the earth?
But he knew some good men who made it their living to do just that.
Maybe it was time to have a proper talk with Jasper—and Atticus, if the Daddy was free—about what they could do to bring Dominic and Rita back to US soil, and how to get rid of them once and for all. If they wanted him to get his hands dirty…he was happy to oblige.
From what he understood, taking on Jasper had been their downfall, and they’d destroyed their base in Virginia in order to escape with their lives. What could not be allowed to happen was them finding a new place to set up shop, putting the welfare of more innocent children in jeopardy.
Saul heard three light taps on the door before it cracked open a sliver.
“Saul? Are you awake?” Connie whispered.
Realizing Caera’s butt was naked and exposed, he managed to snag the duvet and drag it over them both. “Yeah, Con. Come on in.”
The Mistress widened the sliver enough that she could slip into the room. She was still in her office attire—pale cream pants, lilac blouse, and semi-sensible heels—but her hair was curling down past her shoulders in a way that told him she was ready to sit down and relax.
She opened her mouth to speak, then clamped her lips shut when she caught sight of them under the covers. Hope and adoration brightened her face as she pressed her palms together between her breasts, almost as though she was offering a prayer of thanks. “Am I interrupting?”
“No, she’s asleep. Do you need something?”