Page 83 of Sleep for Me
“Actually, I came to check if you two were okay, but it seems unnecessary. I’m afraid to ask if you’ve taken things to the next level.” Connie lifted her eyebrow when he said nothing. “That doesn’t mean you can’t answer.”
Grinning, Saul shrugged. “My lips are sealed.”
“Asshole,” she said fondly, then walked to the bed and perched on the edge. “Is there anything I should know?”
She wasn’t being nosy, he knew, even if she was skirting the lines of personal space. But then, there were rarely any walls between the group—they shared everything in the best possible way, he’d discovered—and Connie delved into everyone’s brains because that’s what she was trained to do.
“I’m sure she’ll tell you if there is.” Feeling weirdly vulnerable, Saul pushed himself carefully into a sitting position, making sure he didn’t disturb Caera. “I’m not breaking confidence, Con. Caera can tell you what she likes, down to the tiniest details if she wants, but you won’t hear any of it from me.”
“I’m actually relieved about that,” she murmured.
He could see she was dying to stroke Caera’s head and make sure she was okay. It was Connie’s way, that innate need to touch—be it in comfort, reassurance, or simple connection. “So, are you here to kick us out?”
“What? No.” Laughing quietly, she did reach out to adjust the duvet over Caera’s shoulder. “We decided to order takeout before we head to Avalon. Jasper and Archie are going to eat with us, then head home from the club. You and Caera are welcome here as long as you want to stay, you know that.”
“Thanks. We appreciate it, but it’s probably unfair to ask Thane to abstain from sex for a few days, and now Caera and I have crossed that bridge…I think taking her home is the sensible choice.”
Connie rolled her eyes. “Thane would be fine abstaining, it’s me who gets hormonal if I don’t get my five-a-day.” Her lips curved into a dirty smirk. “And no, I don’t mean my fruits and vegetables.”
“Filthy Mistress,” Saul fired back.
“You don’t know the half of it. Look, why don’t you bring Caera to Avalon for an hour or two? She can meet everyone, explore the atmosphere. Wednesday nights aren’t usually overrun with members, so she can ease into socializing gradually.”
“Avalon would blow her brain,” he argued. “Even on quiet nights, there’s a lot of auditory and visual stimulation for her to process, and I’m not sure she’s ready for that.”
“So don’t take her into the play areas, dummy. Just come hang out for a while with your friends and let Caera make some new ones. There is no written rule stating that anyone who enters the club has to play, Saul, and the hitch in routine might do her some good.”
“She might not want to go.”
“Maybe not, but are you going to ask her? Look, Thane’s ordering the food at six. If you want anything special, just let him know by then. We’ll eat before seven, drive out to Avalon at eight. If you tag along with us, we’re happy to go do a scene and then come home. It would only be a couple of hours, max.”
Caera’s body was no longer soft and relaxed with sleep. When she didn’t start twitching and whimpering, he smiled and stroked his hand over her shoulders. “Well, seeing as someone’s now listening in on the conversation, perhaps you should ask her.”
Giggling sleepily, she mumbled, “Am not.”
He and Connie exchanged amused glances. It was nice to hear his little rabbit laugh after the last couple of days. The thought that she might not be here at all today, and he’d never hear that sound again, wrenched his internal organs to the point of pain. “Mmm-hmm. Of course, you’re not. Wait…is your nose growing, Pinocchio?”
Another giggle, then Caera groaned and pushed herself up off his chest, blowing at her hair as it curtained her face. “I think you’re the only one with something that grows.”
Connie snorted out a laugh. “I always wondered if you were a shower or a grower, Saul.”
To his delight, Caera’s eyes locked on his with shock. The healthy pink flush of sleep deepened into embarrassment, her lips parting slightly as she whispered, “Is she really here?”
“She looks pretty real to me, bunny.”
“But…we’re naked.”
It amused him that she continued to whisper when Connie was literally an arm’s span away. The Mistress had exceptional hearing, but he wasn’t inclined to tell Caera that just now. His little bunny was beginning to vibrate with anxiety, and it dawned on him that perhaps she’d thought she was dreaming of Connie’s presence as she woke.
“I’ll go and let you—”
With a desperate squeak, Caera tucked the edge of the duvet against her chest and rolled away from Connie, presumably to protect her modesty, and ended up flashing all of that delightful body for a moment before she cocooned herself in the covers on the other side of Saul.
Connie’s eyes dropped to his groin, her tongue running around her teeth in appreciation before she met his gaze, laughter in hers. “Most definitely a shower.” She rose gracefully, walking toward the door. As she pulled it open, she glanced over her shoulder. “You know, we can’t hear much of anything from the bedrooms when the doors are closed, especially if we’re in the living room. Just so you’re aware.”
When she was gone, Saul ran his hand over his face and gave his erection a baleful glare. It did appreciate a rapt audience and praise—he swore it was somewhat of an exhibitionist at times. Right now, it was missing the heat of Caera’s body, which was something he intended to rectify.
Shifting onto his knees, Saul proceeded to unroll his little rabbit from her bolt hole, leaving her sprawled with the covers beneath her.