Page 2 of Love You From Afar
“Everett, his brother… He built a wooden arch that the bride and groom will stand under during the ceremony. He has to haul the arbor, and I’m bringing the decorations, so flying is out of the picture for us.”
“Ohhh, I see,” Gabe replies, slowly nodding his head. “I guess that makes sense now that I think about it. But…” His lips turn up in a smirk. “I would be jumping at the opportunity to spend twelve hours in a car with anyone who remotely resembles Elliot. Listen honey, I’d be more than happy to tag along for this little road trip if his brother is half as good-looking as he is,” Gabe croons, waggling his eyebrows.
Oh, if he only knew.
Gabe definitely isn't shy when it comes to talking about Elliot’s good looks. Most people in the office try to be discreet about it, but I still catch them staring as if he’s their deepest, darkest fantasy. I can’t say that I blame them, because I remember thinking Elliot was the most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on the first time I saw him three years ago.
I was brand new to the job, and my manager was introducing me to the staff members I would be working with. As the top lender for the bank at only twenty-nine, Elliot Thompson was one of the first employees I met during training. When his big hand wrapped around mine in a firm handshake, millions of little sparks ignited throughout my body.
His honey-brown hair was styled perfectly and his tailored suit fit his tall, broad frame like a glove. When he winked at me through hazel eyes and flashed his pearly white teeth in the most devastating smile I’d ever seen, I knew I was completely screwed.
It was only my second week working at the bank when Elliot asked me out on a date. Of course, I said yes without a second thought.It was a no-brainer for me.I was the young, naive, twenty-two-year-old, fresh out of college, new girl, being asked out by the sexiest man in the office.
Elliot picked me up in his Range Rover and drove us to a fancy restaurant in Highland Park, a prestigious neighborhood in Dallas. He wined and dined me, whispered sweet nothings in my ear, and repeatedly reminded me of how beautiful I looked. And after that night, the rest is history.
The first six months of our relationship could be described as what some would call the “honeymoon phase”. We simply couldn't get enough of each other, making out and jumping each other’s bones any chance we got. After a year of dating, the dust started to settle, and our relationship became more comfortable.
I quickly learned that the all-consuming love I read about in romance novels and watch in movies is nothing but fiction. It’s all a fantasy that helps others escape the cold, hard reality of the real world.
Shiny things are always mesmerizing at first, until they begin to rust and tarnish. Once they do, people begin looking for the next thrill in life.
Don’t get me wrong, I do love Elliot. I love him very much. I’ve just come to terms with the fact that love isn't meant to be this earth-shattering experience that I always thought it would be. We’re happy together, and that’s simply enough for me.
“Skylar?” Gabe hums. “Does that rock on your finger have some type of hypnotizing aura engrained in it?” He adds, noticing that my gaze is laser-focused on the diamond ring adorning my left hand.
I’m still trying to get used to seeing the massive teardrop stone resting on my ring finger. It’s only been a month since Elliot got down on one knee and asked me to spend forever with him, surrounded by our co-workers at our company’s New Year’s Eve party. I still think it’s weird that he chose a company party to pop the question, but the gesture was sweet. I mean, aside from our relationship, work is quite literally everything to Elliot. I guess merging the two only made sense in his mind.
“Itispretty fun to look at,” I croon, wiggling my ring finger out in front of me.
“In all seriousness, what’s so bad about riding with Elliot’s brother? Would you really want to drive all the way to Denver alone?” He asks.
“Everett and I… Let’s just say we haven't always gotten along,” I reply, pressing my lips together in a flat line.
“Why? What happened between you two?” Gabe pushes.
So much.
“None of your business, Mr. Nosey,” I retort, narrowing my eyes and turning my lips up in a playful smile.
“Oh, don’t give me that bullshit.” He huffs, rolling his eyes. “I literally spent an hour this morning telling you a very detailed story about the guy who railed me last weekend. We don’t have boundaries and you know it, bitch.”
“Such a drama king,” I scoff. “Everett and I sort of have a history. Long story short, something happened between us years ago that we’ve sort of pushed under the rug. We were drunk and said many things we didn’t mean. We’ve pretty much avoided each other ever since. It would just be an awkward twelve hours…” I trail off.
“Okay… So, you both got drunk one night and blurted out unforgivable things? Haven't we all done that? I’m pretty sure I’ve told you to fuck off a time or two during one of my drunken rampages,” he replies with a chuckle. “Girl, it’s time to get over it. You’re marrying his brother. I vote road-tripping with Everett. Besides, it’ll give you two a chance to get over the fact that we all say stupid shit when we’re drunk,” he adds.
We definitely did more than just say things we could never take back in our drunken stupor.
Just the thought of that night causes flames to ignite beneath my skin and shame to fill my heart. For years, I’ve tried to force myself to forget the memory of that night, but it always seems to find me in my weakest moments. I always thought that a person had to be a ghost to haunt you, but Everett Thompson is very much alive.
“I know... It probably is for the best,” I respond with a sigh. “Plus, what if I have car problems and end up on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere? I’ve watched enough murder investigation shows to freak me out for a lifetime.”
“What is it with women and watching those creepy ass shows?” Gabe replies, shaking his head while adjusting his satin bowtie.
“It’s about being one step ahead of your enemy at all times,” I reply without hesitation. “It’s honestly insane how many safety tips I’ve learned while watching said creepy ass shows,” I scoff.
“Gabriel, I’m sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to let you know that your candidate has arrived,” a soft voice calls from a few feet away. Eloise, our office assistant, peers around Gabe’s cubicle to let him know that it’s time for his next meeting.
“Be right there,” Gabe replies with a soft smile, standing and slipping his arms through his suit jacket.