Page 3 of Love You From Afar
“Since you’ll be out of the office next week, just text me if there’s anything I can help take care of while you’re gone. And for the love of God, please don’t work while you’re on vacation. If there’s one thing I can’t stand about your fiancé, it’s that he acts like he’s the president of the United States. He’s a damn lender, not a neurosurgeon… Anyways,” he sighs, “disconnect while you’re off, Sky. I’ll take care of whatever comes your way,” Gabe adds, swiping his notebook from the desk.
He’s not wrong about Elliot. He literally will drop just about anything when work calls. I’ve lost count of how many date nights he’s canceled due to his sporadic meetings. In his mind, anything and everything is urgent to him when it comes to Ace Financial.
“Thanks, Gabe. You’re the best,” I reply with a smile.
“Oh, and tell Elliot’s brother hi for me. If he’s looking for a good time, I’m just a phone call away,” he says with a smirk, waggling his eyebrows. I know Gabe well enough to know that he’s just kidding, but I’m still jealous of his confidence.
“Hate to break it to you, bud, but Everett isverymuch straight,” I respond, directing my gaze back towards the windows, hoping he doesn’t notice my flushed cheeks.
“You sure about that?” He pushes with a wide grin.
“Couldn't be more sure,” I reply, arching my brows and inhaling a deep breath. “Trust me, Gabe. He’s straight,” I reiterate.
“If you say so,” he jokes. “Got to go, don’t work too hard,” he bellows, tossing me a playful wink as he turns to walk in the direction of his meeting.
“Oh, I know so,”I mutter under my breath, low enough for only me to hear.
Thank God Gabriel had a meeting because I know he would’ve kept pushing me on the topic at hand. What happened between me and Everett three years ago is something I’ve always planned to take to the grave with me. I’m usually an open book, but this is one secret that no one can coax me into spilling. Even my sister, whom I trust with my life, will never know about that night.
As much as I hate to admit it, Everett holds the key to a memory that I can’t seem to forget, no matter how hard I try. I threw away the lock out of panic, and I’m afraid I’ll never find it again. I’ve accepted that Everett holds a piece of me that I’ll never get back. A piece that used to make me whole. What happened that night is something I’m prepared to live with for the rest of my days.
“Hey,” I shout up to Liam and Noah, my two employees who are currently stationed on top of the roof we’re installing for a client’s new home.
“Time to pack up. The storm is about to hit,” I add, tilting my head up to gaze at the rolling gray clouds and lightning-streaked sky.
“Nah… We’re fine, Boss. Give us thirty minutes tops and we’ll have these trusses mounted. We’re almost done,” Noah bellows, wiping his gloved hand across his sweat-drenched forehead.
We’re fine, my ass.
“Get your asses downnow,” I demand in a clipped tone. “I’m not about to have my only employees up on a roof in the middle of a lightning storm. We’ll finish the job tomorrow.”
“Yes sir,” Liam responds, flashing a knowing glance at Noah. Liam has always been the responsible one out of the two. I hear shuffling and grunting as they gather their equipment and begin making their way down the ladder.
Unknowingly, I began my career as a home builder when I was sixteen. When I wasn’t playing football, I spent my free time working at a local pawn shop. Michael, one of our regular customers, asked me if I’d ever been interested in working in construction. When he told me how much money I could make versus working behind a counter, I jumped at the opportunity and never looked back. Two weeks after Michael approached me in the pawn shop, I started working for his small business, learning the ins and outs of the construction industry.
At the age of thirty-five, I’ve been working in construction for almost two decades now. I decided to start my own company a few years ago, Thompson Home Builders, and I would be lying if I said it’s been easy.
It’s been anything but easy.
Thankfully, Liam and Noah have been my saving grace. They show up every day on time and ready to work, come rain or shine. I see a lot of my younger self in them. They’re both in their early twenties, trying to get their feet wet in the business. However, it’s days like today when I have to put them in their places by reminding them that they can’t install a roof during a fucking lightning storm. That’s basically asking for a death sentence.
My steel-toe boots crunch against the gravel as I walk towards my truck when my phone starts vibrating in my pocket. Stopping in my tracks, I dig my phone from the denim pocket of my jeans, groaning at the name flashing across the screen.
“What the hell does he want,” I mutter under my breath.
Why would my brother be calling me?
We don’t exactly have the type of brotherly relationship where we call each other just to catch up. He usually wants something if he reaches out.
“What do you want, Elliot?” I answer, lazily kicking rocks beneath my feet.
“Just thought you might have missed me or something,” he replies in a snarky tone.
“Ha,” I huff out a sarcastic laugh. “The day I miss you will be the day hell freezes over,” I add.