Page 39 of Love You From Afar
“No, that’s where you’re wrong,” I shake my head. “I haven’t been beating myself up over it. The only thought that continuously plagues me is what you thought of me after that night. But I don’t regret what happened… And I’m trying to explain to you why.”
“Was it… was it for revenge?” She whispers, her eyes narrowing in disgust. “Was it all to get revenge because of whatever happened between you and Elliot years ago?”
“No,” I reply without hesitation. “It had nothing to do with that.”
I see the tension leave her shoulders as she sighs a breath of relief. Her reaction urges me to continue with my confession, because my stomach churns at the thought of her thinking that night was for revenge.
“My brother and I have always wanted very different things out of life. But when he brought you onto that cruise ship and I laid eyes on you for the first time, he finally had something that I wanted,” I rasp.
“You were wearing these little jean shorts and a white tank top, your chestnut hair tumbling down your shoulders like waves. And when you stared at me with those big, blue eyes, I remember thinking I’d never seen anyone prettier in my entire life. I was so fucking pissed that my brother found you first,” I chuckle. My nerves settle when I hear a soft laugh fall from Skylar’s lips.
“There were so many things leading up to that night that urged me to just say‘fuck it’…togive into my need for you. I noticed every time Elliot scanned the pool deck, blatantly eye-fucking every half-dressed woman that looked his way. Meanwhile, I had to constantly remind myself to take my eyes off ofyou. I noticed every time you asked him a question and he completely ignored you because his mind was somewhere else. If I knew the answer to your question, I tried like hell to answer for him. I noticed every time he left, leaving you for hours at a time for work or God knows what else. I’ll never forget the day he disappeared until sundown, and we ended up winning that stupid cornhole tournament together.” My lips turn up in a smile at the memory.
“I remember that too,” Skylar chuckles. “I also remember being better at cornhole than you,” she smirks, arching a brow.
“I don’t know about that,” I quip, clicking my tongue.
“I also remember everything else,” she breathes, her playful expression falling. “I remember feeling so embarrassed every time I would ask him a question… It was as if he flat out didn't hear me. I thought it was so sweet that you listened. I remember you dragging me to all the ship's activities when he would randomly disappear,” her lips turn up in a soft smile. “Honestly, those moments with you were the highlight of the trip for me.”
“Me too,” I nod. For years, I’ve held on to every little moment I’ve had with her, wishing like hell I could let them go.
She looks down at her left hand, fidgeting with her ring as she slides it on and off her finger.
“I had never cheated until that night too, you know,” she whispers.
“I know, Skylar. You didn’t need to tell me that for me to know.” She nods, keeping her gaze fixed on her hand.
“Look at me.” Her blue eyes snap up, focusing on me. “I know that’s not who you are, and I hope you know that’s not who I am either. If it were anyone else but Elliot, I would have been absolutely sick after what we did. But when he left you with me to go get on his fucking laptop, I knew at that moment I was done holding myself back… Skylar,” I run a hand through my hair, inhaling a deep breath.
“I wish you could have seen yourself through my eyes that night,” I shake my head. “I still have a love-hate relationship with that green dress you were wearing,” I chuckle.
“I couldn't stand all the attention you were getting, but I also couldn't stop thinking about ripping it off of you. There were men literally drooling at the mouth over you, and Elliot just fucking left. That was the exact moment I knew that he didn’t deserve you. When I walked with you to that karaoke bar, I decided to stop giving a shit about the consequences and take my chances. And we both know how that turned out…,” I scoff. “But at the very least, I wanted you to know why I don’t regret that night. I didn’t think my brother deserved you then, and I know for a fact that he doesn't deserve you now.”
Skylar’s eyes search mine, as she pulls her full bottom lip through her teeth. “I… I don’t even know what to say to that,” she responds breathlessly.
“I don’t expect a response. I just wanted you to know,” I rasp, holding her gaze.
Like clockwork, our waitress arrives to check on us. “How are y'all doing…” Her voice trails off as she notices the obvious tension at the table.
“Um… Did I interrupt something? I can come back in a bit.” She smiles awkwardly, adjusting her apron.
“No, no. You’re fine,” I say thickly before peeling my eyes away from Skylar.
“Can I get you two anything? Another round of drinks?”
I glance down at my empty glass, deciding I’ve had enough for the night. “I think I’m good. What about you?” I tilt a nod toward Skylar.
“Oh no, this will be my last one,” she lifts her glass and chuckles. “You were right, though. This burger was absolutely amazing.”
“Oh, good! I knew you would like it.” She grins, clasping her hands together. “Are you sure I can’t get y'all anything else?”
“I think that’ll be it. Thank you, though,” I smile. “Can you close out our tab?” I pull my card from my wallet before handing it to our waitress.
“Sure thing, I’ll be right back.” She turns, heading for the register.
Once we’re alone, Skylar furrows her brows as she leans toward me. “Everett, you didn’t have to do that. I could have paid for my dinner…. I ordered three drinks for Christ's sake.”
“I wanted to.”