Page 40 of Love You From Afar
“I’m paying you back,” she huffs. “Do you have Venmo? Cash App? If not, I’ll go to an ATM and take out some cash.”
“You’re not paying me back, Skylar,” I roll my eyes.
“Yes, I am.” She replies sternly, crossing her arms over her chest.
“No, you’re not. This was my treat.” Our waitress is back before she has a chance to argue.
“You two are all set. Thanks for stopping by Willie’s, we hope to see you again. Y'all stay warm out there.” She grins before handing me my card and receipt.
“Thank you, ma’am,” I smile back. “Have a good night.”
I spend the next minute leaving a tip and signing the receipt. When I look up, I notice that Skylar’s gone silent again. However, it looks to be for a very different reason this time.
Beast of Burdenby the Rolling Stones flows from the jukebox as she stares longingly at the empty dance floor, a dazed smile stretched across her beautiful face.
“I love this song,” I say, my tone gravelly. I wonder if she hears me because her eyes stay glued to the vacant dance floor.
“Me too,” she finally whispers. Changing neon lights twinkle in her silver eyes like the night sky. It’s as if she’s hypnotized by the lights, and I’m hypnotized by her. Before I register what I’m doing, I shove my wallet in my pocket and stand from the table. I swallow the lump in my throat as I extend my hand out to her.
“Dance with me.”
I finally break her trance as she stares up at me through dark, hooded lashes.
“What?” She sounds shocked, like she’s not sure if she heard me right.
“Dance with me, Sky,” I repeat, holding her gaze like a promise.
“But… there’s no one out there,” she answers hesitantly.
“And? I’m askingyouto dance. I don’t care about anybody else.” I arch a brow, extending my hand closer to her.
“It’s uh… It’s been a while since I’ve danced with anyone. I’m pretty sure I’ll be stepping all over your toes.” She chuckles nervously, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
“Well, good thing I have on steel-toed boots.” I scoff, flashing her a wink. “Now, dance with me before I drag your stubborn ass onto that dance floor.”
Her lips tilt up in a beaming smile as she finally stands from the table, reaching for my arm. Her small hand fits so perfectly in mine. Her smooth skin feels like silk as she wraps her fingers around my palm. Every nerve in my body thrums with need from her touch.
This.This feeling right here is exactly why I made the no-touching rule. It’s an addiction I haven’t been able to kick for years.
I take a few steps back, holding onto her hand like it’s my last breath as I lead us to the dance floor.
We stop breathing as she wraps her free arm around my neck, and I loop mine around her waist. I tug her closer, bringing us chest to chest. Her heart beats like a drum, matching the frantic rhythm of my own. Her blue eyes flicker between mine, two separate oceans begging to be one. I exhale a shaky breath as we start to move, softly swaying from side to side. I lower my head, my lips a breath away from hers.
“You look beautiful tonight,” I rasp. “Prettiest girl in the room.” I wonder if she can feel the way my hands are trembling. Being this close to her, holding her in my arms… It’s all too much. It pains me to know that in a few short minutes, this will all be over.
She turns her head, resting her cheek on my chest as she smiles up at me. “Other than our waitress, I think I’m the only girl in this bar,” she chuckles.
“That doesn't mean a damn thing to me,” I retort. “This bar could be filled with supermodels, and I can guarantee that you’d still be the prettiest in the room.”
Her breath hitches as I wrap my arm further around her waist, gripping her hip in the palm of my hand. Chill bumps rise across her skin when I brush my thumb along the exposed skin peeking out beneath her sweater.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” she mutters against my chest. I stare down at her, my brows raised in shock.
“Wait… I need you to speak up,” I quip. “I’m not sure I heard you right. Did you just say I’m the sexiest man alive?” I chuckle, taunting her.
She rolls her eyes.
“I think you need to get your hearing checked because those words didnotcome out of my mouth.” She lets out the cutest laugh that vibrates against my chest, sending a wave of heat straight to my groin.