Page 57 of Vow of Silence
Our president was responsible for this prison being built on foreign soil. What an excellent way to deny that they had anything to do with violating civil rights. The United States had plausible deniability down to a science.
It wasn’t long before the buzzer sounded and a heavy metal gate rattled as it slid open. Jayden hadn’t wasted any time dragging me through the gates. This time he had to use force since I wasn’t looking forward to coming here. I was certain that this was an automatic death sentence. Although you were loyal to the FBI, they were never loyal to you. If Arkan or my father owned these guards, there would be no way for me to escape death. Being caught by the FBI was the number one rule that got you a one-way ticket to execution, whether you were loyal or not. The possibility of being a rat was the same as collaborating with the government.
Bowing my head low, I allowed myself one minute of remorse. It was all that I would lose if I died behind these walls.
I had to endure prison for Mila. My sister wouldn’t survive our father. If she did, Boris was intent on keeping her. There was no way she would survive that psychopath. Father was bad enough. He treated her like shit surfing a toilet bowl. A part of me hoped that she would murder him in his sleep. A person could only take so much before they snapped. He abused her mentally, physically, and emotionally. The emotional wounds might never heal, but her soul had never been my concern. The light in Mila would allow her to see to her own soul. I was concerned about her life.
Another heavy door shut behind us and he stopped walking.
“I hope you haven’t forgotten what I told you. If you remember your rehabilitation steps there might be hope for you,” said Jayden. He threw me against the wall and shoved something in my mouth.
“Swallow it, and don’t vomit. This is so that I can track you. The others don’t know about this tracker, just me. I’ll be able to find you anywhere. It’s how I’ll retrieve you later,” whispered Jayden.
With much resistance I managed to swallow the large object. My eyes watered as I tried to take shallow breaths as my body protested the foreign object. The fact that he had secretly implanted me with CIA/FBI technology, that I was sure would never be allowed to be wasted on someone like me, warmed my heart. It meant that he’d put himself on the line, to ensure that he could locate me in here. In the future, I would have to somehow get this thing removed.
We walked the rest of the way in silence until he stopped at another door. He reached for a keycard and scanned it before we moved through the next door. Instead of walking down another hall, Jayden stopped.
“Mack, I’m going to take her to her cell. This prisoner is a high profile. I was charged with seeing this one behind bars. Which cell is Anya’s?”
“Jayden, I can take her. She’s a little thing. I’m sure that I can handle anything she might attempt to do. She’s here now. You know that there’s no chance of escaping this place. No one would know if we had a little fun with her.”
Damn, I forgot about the guards that like to rape female inmates. Jayden had better come back to get me on time or there will be another problem.
“Mack, you’d better find another place to stick your dick. I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes to visit her himself,” said Jayden.
“He who?” asked Mack.
“Warden Yancy. If he heard that the secret service planned to come to question her, I’m sure he’ll show up. From the records we obtained on her, sticking your dick in her is a death sentence, but you didn’t hear that from me.”
Hopefully, Mack will spread the word that I’m diseased and they will stay away from me, unless they are already diseased then he will try to rut me.
“We cleared cell fifteen on the left for her. It’s already open. Thanks man, I’ve been a bit sex starved lately. Tracy is pregnant and never wants to do it anymore.”
Slow steps shuffled to the side, and Jayden and I started moving again. Once the door had closed behind us, I was relieved. It was crazy how grateful I was that he had lied on me saying I had a deadly sexually transmitted disease. He would never know what that meant to me.
Jayden stiffened. “You shouldn’t be thankful that I had to lie to keep him from you. Inmates are people too. Rape is wrong no matter what. A person’s body is their own.”
He stopped and yanked the blindfold from my eyes. After shoving me inside the cell, he slammed the door shut. The door automatically locked once it was closed. I turned away from Jayden, preferring not to see him leave. The cell looked like it should have been condemned. There was one charcoal gray bunk bed with no sheets, no blankets, or pillowcases. I guess if we had linen, we might hang ourselves. The two pillows that used to be white were now brown. There was no window and the walls were made of smooth stone. I searched for any jagged edges that could be used as a weapon if someone entered my space but the surface was irritatingly smooth.
The toilet at least had a seat cover but it too was brown. The stench here smelled worse than decayed bodies. Briefly, I closed my eyes and took several measured breaths to calm myself. This place was isolated, filthy, disgusting, and a recipe for catching untreatable diseases. I could deal with torture but this place tested my limits.
What can I use as a weapon? Think Anya.
Walking over to the bed, I moved the mattress aside. There was no removable wire that I could take apart. The metal frame had been bolted together and forged with metal. There was no way to take apart the bed without tools. Whoever was in this room before me left shit water in the toilet but no shiv under the mattress. The only thing in here that could be used as a weapon was the toilet seat and the toilet bowl to drown someone. I would need to disarm whoever attacked me and kill them with their own weapon. At lunch, if they me gave plastic silverware, I could use it to stab someone in the eyes and ears.
An intercom came on. “Lunch time. You have one hour to eat before you are required to return to your cell.”
Walking over to the bars, I noticed that everyone’s cell door had opened but mine. I stepped back as a slim security guard opened my door. He came inside, grabbed me, and threw me out into the hallway.
“Get your diseased ass downstairs with the rest of the maggots and eat,” he said.
Judging by his words and frown, he had spoken to Mack. I got to my feet and followed the others. If this guard and Mack thought I had an incurable venereal disease, I might be able to avoid getting raped. If I couldn’t my mental health wouldn’t recover. I wouldn’t survive this place whether Jayden came back for me or not. I shook my head.
I will not let that happen again. I just need to survive a night.
I reached the lower level and stood in line. Once I grabbed the plastic tray and received what looked like slop, snot, and puree baby food, I surveyed the area. There were six guards on each side of the room watching and monitoring. When I located an empty seat and table, I rushed over and sat down. The guards at the back each had dirty, dusty shoes but the guards in the front had clean shoes. The shift change had already happened, which meant that I was already in danger. Opening my chocolate milk, I sipped it. I hated milk but I couldn’t allow my diabetes to make me sluggish or weak. My money was on Arkan. If the guards belonged to my father, I would be screwed.