Page 190 of Unlucky Like Us
Akara reads off a list on his phone and continues, “Now, mandatory check-ins”—please no—“it’s something Price is trying with Alpha and Epsilon as a group, and I think it’s a decent idea for us to do.”
I raise my hand.
“Donnelly,” he calls on me.
“Don’t we already do that with these meetings? Seems redundant and all.”
“Agreed,” Farrow says. Best friend coming in with a vote of confidence.
But Akara shakes his head. “They’re not the same. In meetings we’re usually talking about the future. What events are coming up. What extra security measures need to be taken. These check-ins, we’ll be discussing the past together, and I’m not talking about mistakes and things we could’ve done better, but more like…” He searches for the word.
“Our feelings,” Thatcher concludes, more sternly.
Akara nods. “Our feelings on past experiences while on-duty.”
“Group therapy?” I call it what it sounds like.
“There won’t be a professional therapist in the room. Just us,” Akara explains, acting like it’s just SFO shooting the shit, but it won’t be that if we have to dig through bad nights. Still, I try to be a team player and open to the concept, even if I can’t picture how it’ll go down.
Oscar eats some Filipino corn chip snack. “Legitimately took my idea right out of my head.” He crunches. “I think it’s a great one, Kitsuwon.”
“Perfect,” Akara relaxes, maybe thinking there’d be more pushback.
Can’t say the rest of us are jumping for joy. Quinn is scowling, and Frog seems more nervous, maybe about the psych evals.
“Check-ins won’t start until after we’re all cleared for duty,” Akara tells us. “One thing at a time.” He scrolls on his phone. “So Luna…”
My bones lock up, and I bow forward in a bit of anticipation.
“Her threat level has increased,” he explains what I already know. The public can’t find out she’s lost her memories, and on top of that, she’s a hot button topic in tabloids after the kidnapping, which means a greater paparazzi presence will follow.
When he finishes, Frog asks, “What does this mean for her detail?”
Akara looks sympathetic towards his cousin. “Thisisn’ta reflection on anything you’ve done, Frog, just on the circumstances surrounding Luna now.”
“I’m no longer her bodyguard, right?” She speaks softer, more morose.
“No, you’re staying on Luna’s detail, but she needs a second 24/7 guard. We can’t keep rotating temps and have them tag along with you. It’s better if we just make a permanent position happen.”
I’m moving.
He’s making me her bodyguard.
The shitty thing, I don’t want it.
I don’t want to act like Luna’s bodyguard when I just want to be her boyfriend in the future. Sure, I can do both, but I like switching to her detail on my terms and not being there 24/7 because I’m paid to do it every day. Other guys would’vekilledfor this—I know Thatcher and Farrow would’ve when they couldn’t be on Jane and Maximoff’s details—but they’re not me.
And I made a promise to Luna’s brother.
Can’t believe I’m already one step from breaking it.
“Am I an option?” I ask fast. “‘Cause if I am, I’d like to be benched. Thank you.”
Everyone looks shocked.
Even Farrow and Oscar.
“Why?” Thatcher asks, rocking Baby Maeve in his arms.