Page 191 of Unlucky Like Us
Bench looks lonely, I almost say.Thought I’d let it see my ass for once.But this is my chance to plead my case, and I step on the gas, not the brakes. “Because I made a promise to her brother to be onhisdetail. Not hers. Because everything I’ve ever done for security regarding my family has been so I can be withLunaand not as her bodyguard—and I know I haven’t told you all that, but I’m telling you now. It’s about her.”
It’s always been about her.
I love her. I’m in love with her, I almost profess like I’m gripping to the future that misfortune keeps trying to rip out of my hands, but I stop short of saying those fragile, vulnerable words. Not letting anyone touch ‘em but me.
Though, I continue hotly, “And I know some of you might say she’s not the same—but I know,I knowshe’s in there. She’s still Luna to me.”
They’re all quiet for a solid second. Farrow and Oscar seem surprised at how much I shared, but they already know it’s about Luna. Frog has had her suspicions, and the rest…I dunno.
“Goddamn,” Banks mutters, toothpick between his teeth. He side-eyes Akara. “I do not envy you right now.”
Akara winces, his fingers rubbing his temple. “You really want to be with herright now? The timing is crap, Donnelly.”
I go still, stuck on the fact that none are leading with shock and awe. “You knew we’ve wanted to be together?” I ask all of SFO. “Did you read her medical records or what?”They know I’ve had sex with Luna. Just like her dad knows.
Farrow is glaring at me, though, like I’m being more illogical.
“Why would her medical records matter?” Thatcher asks intensely.
So she didn’t let security have access to those files? I scrape a hand down my face and mutter, “She had a rape kit done—I thought it went to security, no?” I glance to Farrow, who’s shaking his head.
Fuck.I’m so ready to stop being out of the loop with security. Don’t need to be a lead or top dog with the most responsibility, but put me back in the middle where I belong.
Quinn looks devastated and murderous all at once. “She had arapekit done? And we’re just now hearing about this?”
“It was thrown out,” Farrow says plainly, then eyes me. “You going to tell them or do you want me to?’
I’ll do it.“I had sex with Luna before the…incident or whatever you’re all calling it. Sperm matched me.” I make a looserock ongesture with both hands.
Akara has a palm over his face, stressed to the max. “Donnelly.”
I open my mouth, but I can’t figure out what to say. I knew that trying to be with Luna would be bad for Security Force Omega and Akara’s firm as a whole.
Oscar munches on the corn chip. “Are we shocked they’ve been having sex?”
“It hasn’t been a lot,” I mention.
“Thatis shocking,” Oscar says.
I’m more shocked he didn’t place a bet on it with the rookies, but maybe it’d be an unfair one since I tell him more shit than them.
Banks bobs his head. “I thought you’ve been secretly fucking since you moved in.”
“I had my suspicions,” Thatcher says.
“Same here,” Quinn says and motions to Frog and Gabe too.
I’m frowning, not realizing that all of them thought we were already together. Maybe even longer than we actually were.
“You two just click,” Frog says simply. “Everyone who’s anyone can see it and believe it.” My friends are smiling, which are all of SFO in case that’s not clear.
More than friends, actually.