Page 192 of Unlucky Like Us
Family. Best I’ve ever had.
Frog adds, “I’d like to mention that Epsilonhatesthe idea of you two together. Likedespises.”
Akara slides his hand down his tensed neck. “You weren’t going on Luna’s detail, Donnelly.”
That…stuns me. “What?”
Akara sighs out, “We’re actually concerned about her attachment to you post-trauma and mixing that in a professional setting.”
“Especially since it’s only been four days since she woke up,” Thatcher adds.
Alright.Makes sense.
Thatcher explains further, “We weren’t sure if it’d be a good idea to put you in a position where you’ll need to protect her 24/7 while she’s still processing who you are to her and healing. It’s a relatively big change from what you were to Luna, and her therapist advised us against it.”
I try to ease. “Who’s shifting then?”
“I’ve already talked to Farrow about his son having no security for a while,” Akara starts, and Quinn begins to arch backward, knowing it’s him.
He’s been Baby Ripley’s bodyguard for some time now. A big position, but this one might be just as big, considering Luna’s threat level.
“Quinn,” Akara says, “you’re being transferred. You’ve already been Luna’s bodyguard, and she needs you now.”
She needs you.
A pit wedges in my ribs, but I try not to take his words to heart.She needs me too.Just in a distinctive, unique, unduplicated way. Just like I’ve needed Farrow and Oscar and not only her. Still, I want to be the most necessary, vital thing to Luna’s life.
Gotta say, this transfer is a good call from Akara. He’s reverting Luna to her past with Quinn and keeping her present with Frog. He’s not changing to something entirely new. Maybe it’ll help her find her memories too.
“I’ll be there,” Quinn assures our boss, then eyes Frog.
She eyes him back skeptically. They’re now working together as a bodyguard duo. Seeing as how they’ve been bickering, it’s not looking so bright, but they’re friends at the core.
“Donnelly,” Akara begins, waving me forward. It’s my time to shine and plead my case.
I step off the ladder, more concerned this won’t end well for me and Luna. “I asked for a meeting today ‘cause I know the timing seems bad. I know it’s important that my family still believes I’m on their side. They can’t know I was behind getting them locked up, and thebestyou’ve done, Akara, is make it so I can still be on the team. I know that.”
I’m appreciative of that.
I tell him, “I have to maintain my cover with my family, but I have a way to make it safe if I’m seen out in public with her.”
His perplexed eyes are on mine. “What way?”
And I explain my plan. Really, it’s not easy to say at all. I end with, “I wanna tell Loren Hale after the meeting, so you don’t have to relay it to the parents.”
“Okay,” he agrees almost instantly.
Thatcher nods in approval too. It truly dawns on me that they all want me to be with Luna. They’re not trying to stop me or be a buncha hypocrites about it.
“This could work,” Akara says, “but I still need to talk to Price. I might have to work out a deal with him so he doesn’t have a heart attack and come for my firm.” This isn’t the first romantic relationship sparked within Omega. Not even the second or third.
Akara doesn’t say what the deal might entail, but a storm is looming over him. I hate knowing I summoned it there.