Page 34 of Lawless
"Just thinking about how I can feel your cum dripping out of me. It's really hot." I bit my lip as I waited for his reaction.
As I suspected he might, Daddy lifted my leg up to expose my hole. I couldn't see it, though the look in his eyes was worth missing the view.
"My husband is so fucking sexy." He reached down, his finger sweeping the cum up that fell out. I thought he might be cleaning me until I felt him pressing against my entrance with said finger.
I squirmed; the pleasure still too fresh for my body to handle the attention. "Daddy," I whimpered.
"Look at you, baby. I never thought I'd get to have you like this again and now you're fucking full of me, and we're married. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you, Dante."
"I love you too, Daddy."
He went to the small sink in the bathroom to get a towel. When he came back, he cleaned up my chest from the little bit of my release that splashed on me. Then he took to rubbing against my hole with great care and attention. He didn't push inside, but he made sure to tease and rub me everywhere else.
I was so worked up by the time he finished, I almost wanted another round. He wouldn't allow it considering how strict he was about my rest schedule.
"Rest," he said when I whined at him about getting dressed. It had been more of a reflex, but I couldn't help letting the noise free.
We cuddled as the plane took us back home. It was relaxing, despite the bit of turbulence we had on the way. By the time Daddy told me he was ready to show me his surprise, I was nearly asleep. The idea of a present woke me right up.
"Let's go out to the main area. That's where I left it," he told me as he guided me from the room.
In the main cabin of the plane, the attendant who'd flirted with me was wiping down the tabletop. "Oh, um..." he said when we walked in. Rather than say anything else, he simply turned and sprinted away.
I laughed at the view of his retreating form. "Daddy! You've got him terrified."
"Funny thing is, I'm not the one he should be afraid of. You're The Monster here," he teased as he sat down and pulled me into the seat beside him. I looked at his lap longingly up until the moment he pulled out a gift bag.
Snatching it from him, I opened the present to find a stack of coloring books and colors. There were styles for every kind imaginable. Underneath all of that, there was a sippy cup and a bottle.
I pulled it all out and put in on the table before turning to him. "What's all this?"
Daddy appeared to be nervous, which was weird because I rarely saw him that way. I waited patiently for him to speak since my guess may not be right.
"Well, over the years, I did some research into relationships like ours. It was a way to pass the time while I waited for Tank to tell me he'd found you. I found out there were all types of boys out there. Some little, some middle, and some who don't use age regression at all. I figured we might try a few things to see if you like any of it. It would only be done in a safe space, just us two, until you're comfortable. Then maybe we could find friends like us to spend time with occasionally after the war is over."
I didn't even have to think it over. "That sounds perfect, Daddy."
It wasa new type of joy to watch my boy discover more and more about himself as the plane took us home. The first discovery was coloring. He found it to be as relaxing as some of the other, more violent activities he'd used for comfort in the past.
In his blissed-out state, he didn't blink twice when I filled the sippy cup with water for him to drink. When he did realize, it was the cutest thing to see his eyes widen even as his lips continued to suck the plastic tip.
Eventually, when we had more privacy, I would try out the bottle with him. And if that went well, then I'd bring up the one thing I was most curious to try: diapers.
I had no true desire myself to use them, but the idea of him wrapped in the bunched-up fabric did strange things to me. I got hard thinking about him wanting release but not being able to until Daddy freed him from his diaper or pull up. Or maybe I'd simply push it to the side.
No matter how it played out, I couldn't see myself doing any of these things with anyone else. It was only Dante who made me wish for more. Who made me want to try all the things to see what we liked best.
And if it turned out diapers and bottles weren't something he wanted, then we wouldn't try them. I didn't care so long as he was enjoying himself.
"Please buckle up. We've started our descent," the pilot's voice called over the intercom.
I quickly packed up all the loose pieces of Dante's coloring adventure, then strapped him in. We'd pick back up where we left off at the safe house, so long as we were clear to return.
There wasn't much of a plan in place as far as Ricardo and coordinating my boy's return to his work with his father. Mostly because I hated the idea of it as a whole and had refused to think of such while we were away.