Page 35 of Lawless
For fuck's sake, my honeymoon was going to be an all-out mafia war. The least I could do was enjoy the last little bit of time we had together before things went to shit.
Once we'd landed and the luggage was removed, we got off the plane and into another waiting car. Except when my boy went to climb in, he jumped back into my chest.
"There's someone in there," he said carefully.
I pushed him behind me as I drew my gun. Dante's soft gasp behind me told me he had no clue I'd been carrying this entire time.
Good. I loved keeping him on his toes.
Leaning forward, I extended my gun until I could see inside. It was the voice that replied to the move that had me lowering my weapon with a laugh.
"Is that any way to treat a friend?" Tank's deep tone called out.
I turned to face Dante. "That's just Tank. He loves to play a good prank from time to time by showing up where he's not invited."
At that news, my boy dove into the car. I followed him at a much more normal pace. I heard them share introductions, then my boy was off without a care asking everything he could about me. Tank took it all in stride. It wasn't until I realized we weren't headed to the safe house that I interjected.
"Where are we going? This isn't the way," I told my old friend.
He sighed deeply before looking at Dante and then me. "The safe house was compromised while you were away. We're not sure how they knew where to go, but we suspect they followed Preacher's phone."
"Fuck," I roared as I pulled my boy close. "I'm glad Memphis was paranoid enough to switch the phones out before we left. How bad is the damage?"
He winced, then shrugged. "Nothing I can't afford. Not that I'll rebuild there anyway. It's kind of pointless when the mafia knows where you're hiding out."
"Do you think that means he knows I'm with him?" Dante asked.
"Honestly, I'm not sure. Maybe he realized you're missing and put the two things together. Maybe this has to do more with taking out Preacher before you found each other again. I don't have the insanity levels of your father to know or understand what goes through his mind."
I nodded at Tank's words. Dante's father was truly disturbed in every way. Aside from the way he royally fucked me and my boy over, there was also the power-hungry regime he was trying to build across the nation. He likely thought that amassing that much power made him invincible.
What it actually did was make him a target.
"To answer the original question, we're putting you in a different safe house altogether. We've also got Ricardo tucked away in a safe place. Memphis heard some chatter that they were going to send him to meet his maker, so we intervened. Hope you don't mind," he said with a smirk.
"Not at all! That's actually perfect. If you've pulled him from my father's watchful eye, then I need him with me to help plan." At Dante's words, I squeezed his hand tightly.
"And you're absolutely sure he's trustworthy."
He nodded. "He was the one who planted the cameras in my father's study. The ones I was watching when you showed up."
Tank laughed loudly as he clapped his hands. "Oh, yes. Those have been a blast to watch. Memphis took Ricardo's tech and funneled it through our systems so it's untraceable. You have the NightShade team to support you should you need it as well. We're not typically one to choose sides, but hearing the things your father has done and what he plans to do is enough to tip our hand."
"Thank you, Tank. I appreciate the offer. I also appreciate the use of your place. Speaking of which, we should call Pharrell. This moves up the timeline substantially," Dante says with a nod in my friend's direction.
"It's no problem really. We're happy to help. Give Pharrell my regards when you speak with him. He's a hell of a poker player, and I think I owe him a drink or two if he shows up in town. Let me know, will you?"
I nod at my friend as we pull up to the NightShade office. He moves toward the door, then stops before getting out.
"This is my stop for now, but you'll keep going. The place we set up for you is within city limits, so you'll be on lockdown for the foreseeable future. At least until your backup arrives. Stay safe. Stay alive." With that rousing speech, he left the car and went inside the massive building.
"He was...." Dante started.
"Yeah, I know. He can be an acquired taste for some. His team is much the same way, though most have calmed down since finding their partners."
Dante turned to me. "Are they all gay?"
I stuck my hand out and tilted it side to side. "I don't know what they all identify as in particular, but there is a lot of dick in ass action in the office."