Page 38 of Lawless
I grimaced."Yuck."
"They don't taste the best, but I have a secret recipe I want you to try. Daddy never shared it with you before, and I think you'll be mighty surprised."
If anything, I was definitely intrigued. Picking up the fork, I ate my food as I watched the show. Daddy sat beside me on the couch, his plate stacked high with food. I giggled to myself as I thought of how it might look for the two of us to be side by side like we were eating on a couch in a safe house as we prepared for war with my father. It was all so preposterous to think about.
"You need to eat, baby," Daddy urged when I got caught up in the show halfway through breakfast.
I did as he instructed, chewing down the food as I kept my eyes on the screen. Every last bit was so delicious, I asked for seconds. Daddy brought out more eggs and sausage, but he told me the rest would have to wait.
It didn't bother me much. I liked him telling me what to do. Not having to think about what came next was such a relief. And I trusted Daddy to always be there to help me through it if something didn't go as planned.
Should I have been upset about not having a say? Maybe in other people's eyes. But to me and Daddy, it was perfect.
"Now that breakfast is over, we're going to cuddle as you drink your protein shake. I am going to ask one question though, and you don't have to do anything but tell me what you truly want, ok?" I nodded at him curiously, then watched as he took off for the kitchen. When he came back, his hands were behind him. "There are two ways you can take your shake. I will not be mad at either option you choose. We will snuggle no matter what. Understand?"
I gave him another nod, then waited for him to reveal whatever it was. When he pulled the items out, I felt shock tear through me. In one hand, there was a sippy cup, much like I'd used with him before. But on the other hand there was a bottle. Like a baby bottle.
The wild part of it all was that I really wanted the bottle. I wanted to suck on it and see how it felt to take the drink that way. And part of me thought about the fact that babies with bottles got to be held super close. I'd seen it happen, though I'd never experienced it.
"Bottle," I whispered shyly to Daddy after debating it in my head. I knew he wouldn't judge me. It still felt a like a trick of some kind. I couldn't understand how we'd slipped into such a different dynamic since our reunion.
When we were younger, Daddy was a title I called Preacher because of how he doted on me and because of his protective ways. It was sexual, but it also wasn't.
This time around, Daddy meant something else completely. He was ... everything. He took care of me. He protected me. He knew what I wanted long before I did.
It was like he'd been preparing for this time all these years and now he had a bunch of plans in place to help us bond even stronger than before. That had to be it. Or maybe he was getting lucky with his guesses? Knowing how Daddy worked, I doubted that was the case.
"Good boy," he said as he took the bottle to the kitchen. I followed him that time, then watched as he made the shake.
Each new thing he added had me more and more curious about what it would taste like. All the protein drinks Ricardo and I made were like dirt. They were an easy way to get calories in, and when you were as active as us, it was necessary to get as many as possible.
When he finished, Daddy poured the shake into the bottle until it was full. Then he put the rest in the fridge.
"That's for later. I want to see how you do with this first, and I didn't want to be wasteful," he told me.
We went back into the living room and Daddy sat down first. Then he pulled me into his lap and brought the bottle to my lips. I opened immediately, my need to investigate was strong.
The first suck was a little awkward. I wasn't sure if I'd done it right when only a drop came out.
"Suck harder, baby. You're thirsty, remember? Don't hesitate." Daddy pressed a kiss to my forehead as he wiggled the bottle between my lips.
I closed my eyes and focused on his words. Taking a breath through my nose, I sucked hard like he told me to. The flavor burst across my tongue, making me pop my eyes open wide.
Daddy chuckled. "That's it. Drink up. It's good right?"
I nodded as I kept sucking more and more of the drink down. It didn't taste like anything I'd ever made before. It was like... like ice cream. The sweet flavors overpowered the normally chalky texture of the protein. And there were bits of chocolate coming through that nearly made my eyes roll back.
It wasn't long before the entire drink was gone. The motion of sucking and being held had worn me out, so I snuggled deeper into Daddy's chest once he removed the bottle. I heard the tv playing, but I didn't much care about what was on. If these were the last relaxing moments we'd have for a while, then I was going to enjoy them for what they were.
"I wanted to talk to you about something while you're calm, baby," Daddy said as his hand rubbed along my hip and thigh.
"What about?"
He paused, then took a deep breath like I had earlier. It was as if he needed the courage to speak, which was weird since Daddy was super courageous.
"I know the bottles and sippy cups are one way you're exploring being Little. As much as I love it, I also want to make sure I help you in all the ways I can. While you were away, I researched all the variations of our dynamic that I could. One of the things that came up often was the use of pull ups or diapers."
My body went tight. Did that mean...? Did he want to...?