Page 39 of Lawless
"Nothing has to change. I'm only mentioning it in case little Dante liked it. It's never something I would force you to do. And to further explain, some people only wear them for the mindset. They never use them, and many don't have anyone change them. I'm willing to try whatever you're interested in. I could change you or not. You could use them or not. I won't be upset at any of the decisions, and I promise to tell you if I'm ever uncomfortable."
"I don't want to use them, use them. But I think I'd like to see how it feels one day. Maybe after all this," I said as I waved a hand around.
He smiled down at me. "That's the perfect answer. You tell me when, and I'll order whatever you want. They even have cloth ones with shapes and figures so you can custom make them however you want."
"Sounds good, Daddy. Any other cool things you should tell me?"
"Not that I can think of right now. The rest of today is about relaxing. I want you to feel as good as possible."
If only he knew I was already feeling amazing. There wasn't a chance of being happier than I was in that moment, wrapped in his arms.
It was surprisinglyeasy to convince my boy to use the bottle. And to watch him suck on it, to see him being nourished by my hand, was a heady experience. As his Daddy, I wanted only the best for him. I wanted to make him feel safe and loved, but I also wanted to create a place where he could explore every part of himself.
Lunch and dinner went about the same way breakfast had. I surprised him with a variety of foods I knew he liked. When I'd had Tank prepare the cabin, I'd given him a food list to pick up. It seemed he'd used the same list to furnish the apartment. It worked greatly in our favor, since there wasn't a single thing Dante wouldn't eat.
We were cuddled on the couch when I heard the elevator chime. I turned to my boy, mouthing the word 'hide'at him. He frowned, but since he was in Little mode, he took off for the bedroom.
Pulling my gun from the drawer of the end table where I'd tucked it earlier, I crouched low behind the couch as I waited for the person to exit. As the doors opened, I recognized the man inside the space.
Ricardo. Dante's watcher.
What the hell was he doing here? And how did he get up past security?
I stood from my hiding spot; my gun aimed right at his head. "Tell me why I shouldn't end you right here and now."
He lifted both hands. "I'm not here to hurt anyone."
My finger pressed the trigger, the urge to kill the fucker so strong, I could taste it. He'd been with my boy all these years. He'd gotten to spend the time I'd lost growing and learning everything about him.
Sure, it wasn't romantic. My boy had made that clear. But I still hated his guts.
"Daddy," my boy's soft voice came from behind me. "He's a friend. That's all. You can't shoot him if he's here to help."
I snorted. "Wrong answer. I can shoot him even if he's here to help. I need a better reason."
The elevator chimed again. I made sure my body was blocking all view of Dante as I kept my weapon pinned on the asshole in front of me. The asshole who apparently hadn't come alone.
When the doors opened to a grinning Tank, I frowned. Neither my expression, nor my weapon, slowed down the other man.
"If we're having this kind of party, I'm afraid I'll have to side with Preacher. He's the best shot I know," Tank said as he came to sit on the couch. "Oh, but please do not try to kill Ricardo just yet. He has information we will need."
I lowered my gun as Tank's words settled over me. "What information?"
Dante wrapped an arm around my waist as he steered us over to sit with Tank. Ricardo moved closer as well, though he gave me and Dante a wide berth as he leaned against the windows across the open space.
Tank waved his hand to Ricardo. "Tell them what you told me."
"I've been watching the feeds of your father, Dante. Aside from the normally bad stuff, I noticed he's also been contacting a certain someone he shouldn't be. Namely, the wife of a certain organization that hates ours."
I turned to look at my boy to see if he could connect the dots. I'd been out of the loop for a long fucking time. My intel wouldn't be as fresh as theirs.
Dante's mouth dropped open. "You're kidding right? The Yakuza?! He has a fucking death wish."
Ricardo grinned, then dropped the expression at my growl. "I thought the same thing. It's why I triple checked to make sure there hadn't been a divorce or a change of power with them. I can confirm there hasn't been. Your father just thinks he's invincible or some shit."