Page 43 of Secret Squirrel
“Well, for starters, he’s not drunk,” Rae answered.
“It’s the overalls, right?”
“Coveralls,” I corrected.
“And the grease. Duke said the ladies love the grease. Is that it?” Slider pleaded.
I was too busy hiding my laughter to really pay attention. A brunette in an extremely tight shirt walked over, shoving Slider gently out of the way as she slid right in between my legs. I didn’t even have time to react as she wrapped her body around mine. “Hey, baby.”
The woman slid her hand down my chest, moving way too far south for my own liking. I quickly grabbed her hand, preventing her from grabbing my cock in her hand.
“See!” Slider shouted. “They just flock to him. He’s like…a bird with a flock of women!”
“Nice,” Rae said to me sarcastically.
“What? I didn’t—” I tried to stand and chase after her, but the brunette had arms like an octopus.
Bowie started laughing behind me. “Man, to have your life.”
“Would you stop laughing and start helping me?”
“Sure, do you want me to move over to make room for more of them?”
I glared at him, but then heard the front door open and saw Rae leading Slider outside. She glanced back at me, scrunching her face in disgust as the woman bit my ear. I stumbled out of her grasp, but not before Rae shot me a knowing look and the door swung shut.
“What’s wrong?” Bowie continued laughing. “You’ve got every girl but the one you want.”
I pried the woman from my body and shoved her gently to a bar stool. “Stay.”
“Good dog,” Bowie said, then barked at her.
I took off for the front door, trying to catch up to Rae, but by the time I got outside, she was already leaving the parking lot. I sighed, kicking at the gravel. “Fuck!”
Moments later, Bowie appeared beside me, gripping my shoulder tightly. “That’s gonna be a tough one to catch.”
“No shit. You didn’t exactly help matters in there.”
“What did you want me to do?”
I spun and glared at him. “Pry the damn leech off me!”
He grimaced thoughtfully. “That doesn’t sound like something a wingman would do for his friend. Most men want a woman all over him in a bar,” he said as he started walking away, continuing to talk as if I was beside him. “That’s how you get a woman to go home with you. If no one’s clinging, you’re basically me, going home alone. And that’s a…”
I stopped listening to him ramble and stared up at the sky. I had to figure out a new strategy for getting Rae on my side.
* * *
I was earlier than usual for a Wednesday night, but that was because Bowie was starving and insisted we get to Jenna’s as soon as possible. I rang the doorbell and waited as Bowie shifted from side to side. You’d think he was hopped up on drugs with how antsy he was.
Jenna opened the door and grinned at me. “My boys!”
Bowie stormed forward and wrapped Jenna in a huge hug, which just pissed me off. The man had no right stealing Jenna from me. She was my relation. Sort of.
“Alright, that’s enough,” I said, tearing him off Jenna. “Geez, let the woman breathe.”
“Oh, somebody’s jealous,” Jenna laughed.