Page 44 of Secret Squirrel
“I’m not jealous,” I grumbled, but I really was. He was stealing my attention and my food.
She squeezed my arm and looked at me knowingly. “So, how are things with Carly?”
I heaved a sigh, rubbing at the back of my neck. God, this was embarrassing. “You heard about that?”
“Honey, everyone in town knows about that. She came into my shop and started bragging to anyone that would listen that she was Duke’s girlfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” I insisted.
“I know that, but that girl doesn’t. And she doesn’t seem the type to take a hint. You’re going to have to spell it out for her.”
“I have,” I sighed. “I’m not sure what else I can say to her.”
I followed her through the house to the dining room where Bowie was already waiting at the table. His eyes were as big as saucers as he stared at the bread on the table.
He reached forward, but Jenna smacked away his hand. “You know the rules, Bowie.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said, properly chastised.
“Now, you boys go grab the food out of the kitchen while I clean up.” She turned, but then thought better of it. “And I’ll know if you touch anything you shouldn’t.” Her eyes narrowed on Bowie.
I smacked him on the arm as we headed to the kitchen.
“Ow, what was that for?”
“You got us in trouble.”
“Did not.”
“Did too,” I snapped. “Before you came along, these dinners were special to me. They were about us connecting as a family. And then you went and screwed it up.”
“Bullshit,” he spat. “You just don’t want to share the home-cooked meals with me.”
“That’s right. I don’t,” I hissed. “Because I always got the leftovers, and now that you’re here, I don’t get them!”
“Hey, I’m here because of you.”
“You’re here to be a mooch. You mooched off my house, my business, and now my Wednesday night meals.”
“Oh, are you scared I’m going to mooch off your women next?”
I scowled at him, shoving him hard. He glowered at me and shoved me back. Within minutes, we were tumbling around on the floor, both of us throwing punches at each other. It wasn’t until I heard the female scream that I pulled my punch and looked up at Jenna staring down at us in disappointment.
Bowie didn’t have the courtesy to be ashamed. He threw one last punch, knocking me on my ass. I fell back into a stool, nearly toppling it over. Jenna stood in the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest. Her foot tapped on the floor in a steady rhythm that let us both know we were in deep shit.
“I don’t think I have to tell you boys how to behave in someone else’s home.”
“No, ma’am,” we both said.
“I’m disappointed in you, Duke. You know the house rules. I rely on you to teach Bowie.”
I glared at the man as Jenna turned her back to us. I got up and nearly beat his ass just for getting me in trouble. Hell, even at my age, the woman had the ability to put me in my place. I snatched the casserole off the counter and marched into the dining room with it, nearly setting it on the table.
“Ah! Ah! Put a hot plate under that!”
Bowie came walking in with several hot plates, smirking at me as he put them on the table. I stuck my tongue out at him, clearing my face just before Jenna walked into the room. I set the casserole down, then went back to the kitchen to grab the side dish. When I got back, Bowie was already making Jenna laugh, which just pissed me off.
I didn’t actually care that he was here. I just wanted the leftovers.