Page 49 of Secret Squirrel
“Yes, because you’ve been on me about getting more details about the night FNG disappeared, but I don’t have the answers you’re looking for.”
The smile from his face slowly slipped away. “Rae, two weeks ago, you saw him on that plane. I’m not sure it really matters what happened that night.”
“How can you say that? Of course, it matters.”
“No, it doesn’t,” he sighed. “In the big scheme of things, FNG is still dead. And as much as I want to know who’s behind it and why, it doesn’t change what we already know.”
“So, you’re just letting it go?”
He thought about it for a moment. “I’m not letting it go. I’m just not letting it rule my life. I just found Bree and we’re trying to start a new life together. It’s hard enough on her without all the bullshit she went through. She could have died, and that would have killed me.” He shook his head in disgust. “I hate whoever is out there playing games with us…fucking with our lives like they have a right to, but I won’t let that hatred kill what I have going for me.”
With that, he turned and walked away.
* * *
I sat at the kitchen table drinking a glass of whiskey. I wasn’t normally into the hard stuff during the work week, but Thumper’s words really got under my skin. He wanted to move on with life, but this was all I had. Not that I wanted it to be an obsession, but I didn’t have anyone else to focus on at the moment. Besides Duke…but he was off playing Barbie’s dream house with Pin Up Barbie. I couldn’t see that working out.
“Why so glum, chum?” Zoe asked as she sat down across from me. “Ooh, whiskey. I’ll take some.”
I frowned at her. “Aren’t you breastfeeding?”
“Not anymore. Ash decided he didn’t like my awesome tit juice, so he’s on solids.”
“Wow,” I said, not really all that entertained by the topic at hand.
“I know, it kind of sucks.” She poured herself a glass and tossed it back.
“Whoa, slow down a little,” I said, partially standing to grab her in case she fell over. “You’re going to get drunk off your ass.”
“God willing. I’m so ready to let go of some stress. This screenplay is killing me. And sincesomebodydoesn’t want to help me out, I have to use what’s right in front of me.”
I didn’t care. Screenplays weren’t in my wheelhouse, as I found out when she brought the first one to us. “So, why are you over here instead of at home?”
“We brought Cotton over here to get some video games from Fox. They’re up in his room right now.”
I nodded and poured some more whiskey.
“You don’t look very happy.”
“This is my happy face,” I retorted, giving her a fake smile.
“Yeah, I know you well enough to say that is one hundred percent not your happy face.” She poured another glass, the bottle slipping a little in her hand as she poured. “Now, when I saw you in Duke’s arms…thatwas your happy face.”
“That was a moment of weakness,” I corrected.
“Then you need to get a few more moments of weakness,” she laughed, tossing back more of her drink.
I moved the bottle away from her, terrified she was going to drink too much and then throw up on me. “That’s kind of hard when he’s out fucking that Barbie whore.”
“She is,” Zoe hissed. “What a whore!” She covered her mouth, her eyes wide as she stared at me. “Holy cow. This whiskey is really going to my head.”
I pursed my lips at her. “Like you’ve never called anyone a whore.”
“Yes, I have, but usually I at least know them.”
“You saw her in the reception area.”
She nodded thoughtfully. “You’re right. She’s a goddamn whore!”