Page 27 of Severance
“My father is going to kill Aliana and he’ll try and pin it on me.”
Pressed up against my side, Dahlia breathes deeply as she sleeps with her head on my chest. She fell asleep not long after we laid down and I’ve been lying here on high alert.
No one knows where we are, but that doesn’t ensure our safety. And Dahlia’s safety is my priority, far above everything else that we have set in motion. The moment that I think she’s in grave danger, I’m pulling the plug on this shit.
When she asked about the bodies and I told her about Aliana, she wasn’t mad or upset. She showed no typical human reaction to my confession. Instead, she was curious. She wanted to know why I didn’t do it. Dahlia knows that I’d kill for her, just like I have in the past, but she understood why I wouldn’t want her blood on my hands.
When I told her about Aliana and Luca fucking, then her emotions showed, but she was emotional for me. She felt bad that my fiancée was fucking around on me with my father for the entirety of our relationship.
She doesn’t get it.
Aliana was something that had to happen. I didn’t want her.
Dahlia was what was always meant to happen.
It didn’t take long for her to drift into a peaceful sleep in my arms. She clings onto me as she sleeps as if she’s afraid I’ll disappear.
Looking down, I lightly kiss her forehead.
Anywhere I go, you go, bambolina.
Wrapping my arms around her even tighter, I pull her as close to me as I can and bury my face in her hair. Inhaling deeply, I breathe her in and let the sleep that my body craves consume me.
“So, how much longer until we are there?” Dahlia asks as she glances out the window at the trees lining the side of the road. She pulls at the hairband that she wrapped around part of the shirt she’s wearing. Seeing her in my clothes has me periodically adjusting my growing cock inside my pants.
“About a half an hour or so and we should be there.”
Dahlia didn’t want to waste any time after we woke up and wanted to get on the road as quickly as possible. It was a smart move, for us to come during the day. We’ll stay hidden in plain sight, but we can stake him out and figure out our best plan of attack.
And if the timing is right, we might not have to make another trip out here.
Dahlia absentmindedly hums along to a John Legend song that plays softly in the car. She’s relaxed and appears carefree, but there’s an edge to her.
She knows that we’re not just out for a Sunday drive.
We’re out to kill a man.
Lost in our own thoughts, we ride in silence for the remainder of our drive until we reach the Hamptons. The roads are lined with massive estates, each one different in its own charming way. Glancing out of the corner of my eye, I catch Dahlia gazing out the window as we pass the gated properties. She comes from a family with money, has money of her own, but the way she stares at these properties, you would think she’s never seen something with a price tag as hefty as these houses.
We turn down onto the main road that hugs the coast and follow it for a mile or so. Pulling off to the side, I put the car in park and kill the engine.
“Over there,” I tell her, pointing two houses down. “That’s where Dex lives.”
Dahlia cranes her neck and her eyes follow my finger. She stares at the white mansion for a moment before turning back to me. “So, what now?”
“Now we wait.”
Dahlia raises an eyebrow and her bright green eyes size me up. “What are we waiting for?”
“We can’t just go barging in there,” I scoff, shaking my head in frustration. “Unless your end game is prison, then by all means…”