Page 28 of Severance
I gesture my hand for her to go and she cuts her eyes at me. Dahlia stares me down with a vicious gaze and the flames dancing in her emerald irises threaten to lick my skin.
“We’re wasting time,” she bites, as the frustration grows between the two of us, hanging heavily in the air.
“Dahlia,” I grind out, clenching my jaw. Needing to grab something other than her throat, I wrap my hands around the steering wheel and tighten my grip until my knuckles are stark white. “We wait, we watch, and then we make our move when the time is right.”
Dahlia lets out a harsh chuckle as she shakes her head. “And you’re just gonna know when the time is right, right?”
“Dahlia,” I growl, gripping the leather steering wheel even tighter. “You’ll get what you came here for, trust me. If we have to wait three fucking weeks watching this motherfucker before making a move, that’s what we’re going to do. Prison doesn’t suit either of us.”
She continues to assault me with her eyes before she sighs in defeat. “Fucking control freak,” she mumbles under her breath, but I’m sure she intended on me hearing.
Rolling her eyes, she turns away from me and directs her gaze back out the window. She’s impulsive and impatient and with a kill premeditated like this, every precaution must be taken. I refuse to be sloppy because she can’t slow her fucking roll.
Silence once again settles in the car as we spend the day just watching Dexter’s house. We wait and he doesn’t move. His cars stay parked in the driveway and there’s no incoming traffic onto his property.
The sun begins to set as I scan the rest of the street and there’s nothing out of the ordinary going on. It’s vacation season, so traffic is heavier, bringing people out to their second homes. My eyes travel out to the water and I watch as the small waves lap the shore.
Dahlia lets out an audible gasp, bringing my attention back to her and our purpose.
“That’s him,” she whispers, pointing at the house. Dexter stands on his front porch, surveying the property and slips back inside, leaving the lights on.
He’s been here all day, he’s not going anywhere, anytime soon… at least, not on his own accord.
It’s time.
“You ready,bambolina?”
Dahlia’s eyes flash to mine and they’re filled with anticipation. She’s not afraid of him or what’s to come because she’s ready; she’s been ready for years.
“Yes,” she breathes, licking her lips, craving that sweet taste of revenge. “Is it time?”
My lips slowly curl upward into a grin as I watch her facial expression transform into something breathtaking and frightening.
Blood never looked so good on someone else’s hands.
She makes death look fucking beautiful.
It suits her. It’s a part of her now.
“It is,” I declare with a nod. Grabbing my pistol, I climb out of the car and walk to her side. Pulling her out into the night, we walk hand in hand in the shadows, holding our guns at our sides as we move in for the kill.
We stay hidden behind the hedges as we step onto his property. Dahlia’s breathing picks up and my heart hammers in my chest as we edge closer to the house. Rounding the side, we quickly walk up to a door that isn’t a main one.
Letting go of Dahlia’s hand, I reach for the doorknob when we hear a shriek from inside the house. My body stills and Dahlia grabs my arm, digging her fingertips into my skin.
“What the fuck was that?” she whispers breathlessly.
I shake my head as I listen to the sounds coming from inside.
Dahlia digs her nails in deeper as a woman screams again and there’s a loud bang. Muffled sounds of a deep voice come from inside and glass shatters somewhere in the house.
Glancing down at Dahlia, her troubled eyes search mine and I nod silently. I grab the doorknob and it’s unlocked, giving us access into the house. We both slip inside quietly as we hear a woman sobbing and a man shouting.
“I should have killed you a long time ago, you fucking whore!” Dexter’s voice bellows throughout the massive house, bouncing off the walls.