Page 19 of Stalked by His Ex
“No problem. I’m on my way.” My mouth parts in protest, but he hangs up.
I stare at my phone, as if it’ll tell me what he’s up to, but after a minute, I drag myself toward the dresser. My blood red silk shorts and tank set gaze back at me, promising a soothing night of comfort.
But before I can change my phone rings, dad’s picture lights the screen, reminding me he’s still waiting for his dinner. “Shoot.” I mutter before answering.
“Where’s my dinner?” He asks, as a way of greeting.
I laugh, “Sorry, dad. I was just about to call you. I’m as red as the devil’s ass right now, because I forgot sunscreen again.”
“What’ve I told you about that, darling?” He chastises.
“I know. Believe me, this is a friendly reminder. You gonna be okay for dinner? I can bring it over if you need me to.” Guilt curdles in my stomach.
“No, darling, you stay home and take care of yourself. This old man can figure out his dinner for once.” He chuckles.
“All right. How’s everything else? Did you go meet the guys for golf yesterday?”
“No. We ended up sitting out back and shooting the shit.”
“That’s nice that you had them over.”
“We had a good time.” He chuckles, probably replaying one of their conversations. “Darling, I’m going to let you go so you can rest. Call me tomorrow and let me know how you’re doing.”
“Will do, dad. Love you. Have a good night.”
“Love you, too.” He disconnects the line and I relax on my bed for a moment until the lotion glares from across the room.
Summoning my last bit of strength, I pull myself to my feet, and begrudgingly grab the balm that is now my lifeline. I’d never make it through the night without it.
I’m about to cake on the first layer when a knock hits the front door. My heart skips a beat, knowing that Jaxton is standing on the other side. Zipping through the house like flying is second nature, I yank the door open and almost toss the lotion across the room with the force.
If I were a caricature, I’d have hearts dancing above my head, and stars in my eyes. He’s stunning. His plaid button up fits snuggly, encasing his signature white shirt underneath, which is paired with tan shorts. And as always, his hair is messy, and his eyes are glowing pools of honey. My breath catches in my throat. He’s a breath of fresh air in the hot Sahara Desert.
“Hi.” I say, dumbly in a daze.
He’s holding a brown paper bag that’s folded and stapled on the top, forgetting his words when he peruses me. He mumbles unintelligibly when he attempts to speak, as a cocksure grin curls his lips.
“Are you going to come in or stand on the porch?” I opened the door wider, inviting him.
His eyes darken, hearing the husky tone of my voice, before stepping through the living room and into the kitchen. “Hope you like Chinese food!”
“IloveChinese food.” I titter after him.
“Good.” He sets the bag on the counter and turns back to me—his eyes flaring when they devour me from head to toe. “Kitten, you look delicious.” Licking his lips, he finally absorbs the redness of my skin. “Let’s see how bad things are.” He guides me to the couch, sitting closely behind me. “Is it all over or in one area?”
“It’s kind of everywhere, but more on my shoulders and the top of my thighs.” I point to each area.
“Have you put anything on it yet?” He inspects the areas.
“No. I was just about to when you knocked.” I held the lotion over my shoulder.
He takes it and squeezes a small amount in his hand. “I like this fragrance. No wonder you smell so edible.”
“Be easy, I’m tender.” I warn, pouting.
“Will do. Don’t worry.” His voice is soft, comforting.
I face forward, pulling my shirt over my shoulders and covering my breasts. He sucks in a sudden breath. I smile, feeling bold and powerful. I’m normally not so forward, but he brings something wild out of me. Moments later, his hand trails lightly across my back, the lotion colder than expected, causing me to jump.