Page 20 of Stalked by His Ex
“Sorry, did that hurt?” He remains motionless until I respond.
“No, it’s cold, but feels good.” The last word is a breathy moan. Good thing my skin is already red, otherwise the blush that travels across my body would be noticeable.
“Good.” He draws his fingers slowly and torturously along my skin, cooling and burning all at once.
His breath tickles my neck as he softly brushes his lips below my ear. My heart and stomach are flipping to the same tune when his tongue flicks out, licking the sensitive flesh. A moan purrs, vibrating my lips, encouraging him to continue while his fingers continue to spread lotion. He’s thorough, not missing a spot. He kisses his way to capturing my mouth, consuming me. Our connection rippling goosebumps across every surface of exposed skin, adding to our perfect storm, and sucking the oxygen out of the air. I can barely breathe.
One of his hands works its way into my hair, tilting my head to gain better access to my mouth, deepening the kiss. The other glides down my bare back, into the top of my silky shorts, revealing that I’m not wearing anything underneath. He growls and possessively pulls me flush to his body, my sunburn long forgotten. His demeanor is aggressive, but he handles me with care, conscious of my condition. He tastes exquisite, like the sweetest dessert wine, and I’m definitely drinking the Kool-Aid.
Jaxton’s got moves, because one moment we’re making out over my shoulder, and the next, I’m spun around on the couch, and pressed to the soft material. He’s dominating while searing my soul with his lips when he grunts and pulls away, panting.
“You need to eat, Kitten. You’ll need your strength.” His gaze is devouring, full of unspoken promises, and I plan to collect on each one. I gaze into his molten gold eyes, half delirious from ecstasy until he chuckles and pulls me into a sitting position.
My stomach growls before I can protest, causing us both to laugh. “Yeah, we better. You’ll need your stamina, too.” A sly smile promises he’ll get as good as he gives.
“I’ll get it. You sit and relax.” He busies himself in the kitchen for a few minutes, returning with a couple of bottles of water, silverware, and the bag of food. “Is eating out of the cartons, okay?” He holds the bag up, questioning before he returns to the couch.
Both hands reach out in a gimme gesture, brimming with excitement. I really am hungry. A box of pork fried rice, almond chicken, and chow mien stares back at me. “This is perfect.” My mouth waters with anticipation.
We dug into the food, both of us obviously starving, not having eaten since lunch. We’re mostly silent, too busy stuffing our mouths with the taste of rice and sweet almond sauce. One last bite and I sit back on the couch, plopping my hand on my tummy.
Jaxton finishes and follows suit, leaning back, and relaxing.
“You get enough to eat, baby?” his hand slides onto my thigh.
“Yes, definitely hit the spot. Thank you for going through all this trouble.”
“Anything for you, Kitten.” He leans over and kisses me softly. “Let me get this out of our way.” He collects our leftovers.
“Let me help.”
He snags the box out of my hand. “Nope. This is all me.”
When he returns, his fingers slip across my leg, curving towards the apex of my thighs. “How’re you feeling? The burn still bothering you?”
“A little sore, but much better now that I’m in a liquid cocoon.” Laughing, I roll my eyes. “I can’t believe I forgot sunblock. My dad’s always lecturing me.”
“Shit! Your dad. We didn’t take him dinner.” Jaxton’s sitting forward, as if he’s going to run the burgers over himself.
“It’s okay. I called him when I got out of the shower. He said he’d find something himself.”
“That’s good. But the offer’s there if you want me to drive us over.”
The genuine gesture tugs on those attachment strings again. “Thank you. He’s good, but I appreciate the offer.” Ready to change the subject from things that pitter patter my heart, I ask, “Have you ever played twenty questions?” I suggest. I’m contradicting my rule on not getting attached by asking more personal questions, but at this rate, the only person I’m fooling is myself.
He wickedly grins, completely into the childish game, rubbing his hands together like an evil character. “Sounds just like my type of game.” We face each other until our knees are touching, mine overlapping his, while his fingers once again find purchase on my leg. “You have the honors, Kitten.”
“Were you close with your parents?” Typically, if a guy’s close with their family, they treat relationships more respectfully.
“Yes. My dad passed a couple years before ma, so my brother’s and I spent more time with her to curb the loneliness.” His answer melts my heart. “My turn. Are you close to your family?” There’s no hesitation.
“There’s just dad, and we’re thick as thieves.” I’ve already told Jaxton all about him. “We have dinners, picnics, and do whatever comes our way. My mom lives in Colorado. I think the last time I spoke to her was about ten years ago. We don’t keep in touch.” He nods, understanding my family dynamic varies drastically from his.
“My turn! How old were you when you kissed a girl for the first time?” The cutest blush creeps across his cheeks. It’s faint but there. “This’ll be good.” The tease slips out easily.
A boyish grin takes over his face when he explains. “I was nine. Her name was Melissa Johnson. We were over at my friend Jaspers’ house, playing spin the bottle with his older sister and her friends. The bottle landed on me, and she leaned in and kissed me.” He laughs, reliving the moment. “Lucky for you, I’ve gotten much better.” His eyes drop to my lips and darken with lust. “Now you have me curious. When was the first time you kissed a boy?”
“I was fourteen. We were at camp. He was the cute boy, the one everyone liked. He just walked up to me one night when we were playing hide and seek and kissed me. Nothing gross, just a peck on the lips.” I laugh, remembering the moment. When I meet his eyes again, they devour me with their intensity, causing my cheeks to warm. I glance down, trying to break my nervousness.