Page 3 of Stalked by His Ex
Liam’s eyes flame, causing the green to shine like the Jade nickname I gave him, mischief swimming in their depths. “I don’t know. Brother, am I?” The smirk that tips his lips holds secrets only his kin can decipher.
“No. You’re not,” he deadpans, causing Liam to laugh.
“Okay… There’s a burger place called Truman’s. It’s old fashion, and they make their own buns.”
“Then it’s settled. I’ll pick you up at seven. Does that work for you?” Jaxton questions.
I mentally run through the things I planned to do tonight—a load of laundry and raunchy reading—nothing special. “Yeah, seven sounds fine. Can you pick me up here, and I’ll show you the way? It’s about twenty minutes into town.”
“Perfect,” he agrees.
An exceptionally large and imposing man opens the door and peeks around the corner, focusing on our table. He’s wearing all black with dark sunglasses, reminding me of the Men in Black. I must’ve startled slightly, because Liam turns to see what catches my attention. Before I can ask who the man is, they’re rising from their seats.
“It was a pleasure meeting you, Avery. Unfortunately, I have to get back to work.” Jaxton snags his paper bag. “I’m looking forward to tonight.”
Liam smiles, dimples popping.How did I miss those bad boys?
They momentarily render me speechless, but I cover my blunder by rising from my seat and stepping toward the door with them. “Me, too.”
Liam exits first, but Jaxton pauses, turning back to me. “See you soon.” His smirk is pure mischief—a glimpse of what the night will hold.
A shy smile stays plastered to my face long after they’re gone. A warmth encompasses every nerve ending, lighting me up from the inside, as if I’d skinny dipped in the sun all afternoon—exposed and exhilarated.
With them no longer distracting me, I realize I’m within fifteen minutes of closing, and my mind is reeling. I still need to set out Roman’s clean trays for baking the chocolates tonight. After that, there’s three hours to burn before meeting Jaxton. If I want to play in the dirt before our date, I better get a move on. I sort through the list of to-dos in my head. Yard play, shower, shave, make-up, and of course, finding something to wear.Oh, no! What will I wear?
Rushing to the front door, I flipped the closed sign and attempted to lock the door, but the corner of the carpet’s stuck. I’m yanking on the damn thing when I hear Jaxton outside talking on his phone again, Liam leaning over his shoulder to see the person on the other end. I catch my name in his conversation and I can’t help myself—I eavesdrop.
“Her name’s Avery. I made dinner plans with her tonight. She works in the little bagel shop I told you we were going to for lunch.” He pauses for a brief second, listening to the person on the other end. Unfortunately, they’re just out of reach, and I can’t hear the response. “About five and a half feet tall, with dark brown hair, the most beautiful blue eyes. Not that she would need that. Her personality brightens the room. I feel as if I’ve known her for years.” He pauses again, waiting. “Of course, it helps that she doesn’t know who we are.” He pauses again. “NO! We’re not going to tell her! Why would we do that? It would ruin everything. I’m tired of people liking us for that one and only reason. With her, I won’t have to put on a facade. I can be myself.” An annoyed grimace covers his face. “Right, I’ll let you know how it goes. Yes, yeah, I love you, too.”
Liam waves like a loon and yells, “Love you, too! See you in a couple of months.” His little boy behavior has a giggle almost bursting free, but I remember that I’m incognito at the moment.
After they hang up the phone, they continue walking away, but not before I hear Jaxton state, “I think they’ll like her.”
Liam’s reply was inaudible. All I’m left with is watching their fine asses go, which is definitely no disappointment. I’m contemplating who they could’ve been talking to as I finish tugging the carpet free and locking the door. Butterflies bombard my stomach as I think about our date tonight.Is it a date?Maybe he just enjoyed my company.It’s probably a dinner between new friends, but my mind can’t help drifting, reminding me it’s been over a year since I had a date. And even longer since I’ve slept with anyone. Not that I’ll put out on the first date, but the thought crossed my mind.
After putting the finishing touches on closing the shop—sweeping the floor, washing countertops, and finally setting out Roman’s pans—I start for the door. Roman came aboard a year ago and is a treat to have around. He knows how to cook just about anything, his specialty being chocolate concoctions, my favorite.
The ten-minute drive home is all it takes for me to realize that I’m being ridiculous. I need to get my shit together. I’m behaving like a child. Still, that doesn’t stop me from running to the front door and straight to the shower in anticipation, knowing the yard will have to wait until tomorrow.
After the shower, I search for something to wear.Dressy or casual?We’re going to a burger joint, so casual fits best. I’m no fashion genius, so I went in dark blue jeans and a dark red halter-top. The jeans are tight and lift my ass perfectly, while the top compliments my ivory skin, and perks the girls nicely.
My heart stutters when I check the clock on the microwave—less than an hour. Instead of waiting around, I headed to the shop early. After the last Prince Charming I dated, Roman and I began a pact, requiring me to notify him of any dating plans. You can never be too safe. I mean, what if the secret Jaxton and Liam are keeping is that they’re serial killers?
Heading back to The Sweet Tooth, I roll my window down to catch the breeze. Some evenings, like tonight, the air carries the scent of the ocean on its back. The sea breeze mixed with pine is one of my favorite scents.
When the light in the small window comes into view, my stomach does a back spring and twists into the air. The reaction at seeing the store isnotbecause I’m coming to talk to Roman. Curious, I glance at the clock. Six-thirty. I have time to chat before Jaxton arrives.
Pulling to a stop in front, I hop out and head inside, greeting Roman with a smile. “Roman!”
His giant goofy grin spreads as he rounds the kitchen, wiping his hands on a cloth. “Avery!” He wraps me in his arms, feet dangling as he squeezes. “I’m glad you stopped by. I want you to try a new chocolate.” Just as quickly, he drops me to the ground and turns to his latest creations. “It’s a simple idea. I call it S’mores chocolate. I made marshmallow cream, on top of a gram cracker crust, then coated it in chocolate. Really, a mouth full of orgasm. Here, try one.” He shoves the piece he has in his hand between my lips without waiting for permission.
“Hmph.” I cover my mouth as the treat explodes with flavor across my tongue. “Mmmm…” I moan in delight. “Omenn!” I try to say his name. “Dis is soo freaking good.” Leaning to the side, I eye his pan with extras.
“Oh, no you don’t. These are for trial runs tomorrow. If they’re a hit, I’ll make them permanent menu items. Plus, you don’t want these to stick to your thighs and ass, girl.” He turns, flicking his hand behind him, slapping my ass.
“Shut up. You’re just jealous that my ass looks better than yours.”
“Honey, Marco likes my ass just fine. And if he were straight, he would love your ass, too. You’ve got it going on tonight. Going somewhere?” he waggles his eyebrows.