Page 4 of Stalked by His Ex
“Well, since you asked. I met someone today.”
He pulls up a chair in a millisecond. “Dish.”
I laugh at his dramatics. In the two years that I’ve known him, I’ve barely dated, and the ones he knows of were not winners. I’ve met attractive guys, but not one who’s really caught my attention. Not until Jaxton and Liam came into the shop. They were both drop-dead-sexy, but Jaxton’s the one the butterflies are dancing to entertain.
“Roman…” I sigh.
He scoots closer. “Thismustbe good.”
I describe Jaxton and Liam, our exchange earlier in the day, and then the phone conversation I overheard. He’s literally on the edge of his seat, looking as if a bucket of popcorn should be in his hands to enjoy the show.
“He’s coming here to pick you up. Do I get to meet him?” He’s as excited as a kid in a candy shop at the prospect.
“I think tonight I’m going to keep him to myself,” I smile slyly.
“You slut!” he shouts. “You better keep it on lockdown tonight. No nookie on the first date.” He stands, towering over me. If I didn’t know that Roman’s as lovable as a stuffed bear, I’d be unsettled. He’s built like a tank, and his dark glare is intimidating.
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Roman,” I groan.
He slips an arm around my shoulders and pulls me close. “Shut up! You know I love you. By the way you described them, I’d take either—or both, if that’s an option they’re offering. It’d be hard to resist. Just throwing out a reminder. Make him work for it.”
I shoved his chest. Not that it’s enough to dislodge him. “First off, I don’t fuck on the first date. Second, I love you, too.” I grin, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
He preens brightly with the flattery, “Now you better get going and quit wasting your time with me. It’s already seven.”
My heart slams in my chest when I glance at the clock and confirm the time. “He’s probably outside waiting.” I lean up and kiss his cheek again. “Tell Marco hi for me.”
He slaps my ass on the way by, “Will do, toots.”
“Love you!” I shout as I walk out the door.
Once I’m outside, a sleek black car parked across the street draws my eyes. There’s a shadowy figure inside, moving around. Suddenly, the driver’s door opens, and the light in the car turns on, illuminating the cause of my heart palpitations.
Jaxton steps out of the car slowly, his face hard and unreadable. He shuts his door and stalks in my direction. I stand on the sidewalk, awed as he approaches, as if he’s moving in slow motion, reminding me of the movie Baywatch. The closer he comes, the more I realize something’s off.What’s gotten into him?The carefree aura he exuded earlier has replaced with a firm seriousness, causing me to second guess our outing. Maybe he had a bad day?
“Hi,” I say, shyly.
“Hey,” Jaxton’s reply is gruff, not the same man I met earlier. He steps up next to me on the sidewalk, glancing over my shoulder. “Did you forget we had plans?”
I turn to see what he’s looking at and catch Roman peeking around the corner at us, trying and failing to be incognito. I laugh. “No.”
He’s shifts with uncertainty. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were already involved. We can cancel if you’d like.” He glances back at his car and then at me.So, this is a date. YES!
I’m taken aback at first, but then laugh again. Roman is quite the looker—with his olive-colored skin and Rico Suave good looks, it’s easy to misinterpret our relationship. “I’m sorry. No. Roman and I are coworkers. Plus, he’s more checkingyouout than watching over me.” I give Roman a cheeky smirk through the window that tells him I did something he’s not going to like.
I read his lips through the glass—you fucking little slut. Apparently, Jaxton reads them well enough on his own and chuckles, returning to that amazing timbre I got sucked into earlier. He’s wearing a black cotton shirt—a darker twin of the one he wore earlier—both loving to cling to his biceps like long-lost friends. His jeans are a shade darker than mine and sculpt his thighs, tantalizing me from the moment he turned around. His blonde hair is a styled mess, accentuating his gold eyes.
One word.
“I pulled in early and saw you through the window. I assumed…” His voice is gruff—possibly annoyed?
My tone sharpens. “You assumed wrong.”How is it any of his business who Roman is to me?As if I’d agree to go out tonight if I were with someone else. What kind of girl did he take me for? Then a thought occurs to me. I’m going on a date with a complete stranger. A pit grows in my stomach.Maybe I shouldn’t have come.
“Listen…” I step away, but he cuts me off.
“No. I’m sorry.” He waves his hand behind him, indicating his car. “I find you intriguing and attractive. I’m grateful you agreed to tonight.”