Page 64 of Stalked by His Ex
Grunting, I close my eyes and shake my head. “Move in with me, yes. Today. The marry me… yes, but that’s not the way I wanted to ask you. I wanted it to be a spectacle.”
Her giggle vibrates my chest, refining my heart with every sound. “That was the perfect spectacle, if you ask me.” Leaning away, I search her eyes, as the realization of what she’s saying dawns on her. “I didn’t mean—”
“Would you?” The question pops free, hoping I’m interpreting her correctly. “Kitten, I’ll ask you properly, but if sex-crazed ramblings while we fuck first thing in the morning are your kind of perfect, then marry me.”
The biggest smile I’ve ever seen grows as tears rim her eyes. She reaches up to cup my face, holding me close, and kissing my lips softly. “Yes.”
The whispered agreement rocks my world—my soul explodes and rebuilds, intertwining with hers. A lump grows instantly, while a tear slips free. That she’s even in my arms right now is surreal. Tucking her deeply in the curve of my arm, I pull her close and kiss her head. “I love you, baby. I can’t wait to make you, my wife.”
“Love you, too.” She snuggles tight, ensuring every inch of us is touching. “I can’t wait until you’re my husband.”
Chapter Fourteen
The nap turned into several hours. Jaxton fielded calls from dad and Roman throughout the morning, allowing me the time to sleep, and recuperate. They set a barbeque at dad’s house tomorrow, so everyone can come visit in one place.
Roman demanded that I return his call, pissed that he wasn’t allowed to see me at the hospital, and Jax doesn’t want anyone else at the suite. Security is too tight to grant anyone but family entrance.
We use the afternoon and evening to trade war stories. I give him the details about the kidnapping in my words, instead of secondhand from the detective, like he did initially. He admits how hard it was for him to keep searching, to not breakdown under the stress, explaining that every corner they turned was another dead end.They had nothing.If I hadn’t escaped, Sarah may have succeeded with her plan, and killed me to steal our baby.
Jax brought me a plethora of food in bed throughout the day, but Kam insisted we come to dinner and eat with the rest of the family. The aroma in the air drags meverywillingly to the table, reminding me of the cartoon character being summoned by the beckoning, smokey finger.
Drool’s pooling in my mouth when I’m greeted with the feast Kam’s laid out on the table. Comically wide eyes send chuckles around the room.
“Have you never seen a feast before, darling?” Cash jests, tapping a finger under my chin, signaling to close my mouth. An immediate smile spreads, as tears brighten my eyes, causing his humor to sink to panic, which only widens my smile. “Shit, Princess, don’t cry. I didn’t mean to say anything wrong. Shit.” He glances at Jax but gets a satirical grin in reply, letting him know he’s on his own. Determination brightens his emerald gems as he steps closer. “Jax isn’t the only family you gained—you’ve got four new brothers, too.” A deep chuckle vibrates against me as he glances at each of his brothers. “We may be assholes half the time, but we’ll do everything in our power to keep you and the baby safe, now and always.”
“Fucking asshole.” The tears flow heavier as I choke through a laugh at the same time. “No more crying.”
Everyone in the room closes in, surrounding us, pushing closer together. “He’s right, A.” Liam nuzzles my neck to one side.
“Liam, get the fuck off, my girl.” Jax shoves him playfully.
Liam pouts and comes right back to nuzzle again. “No. She’s been gone a long time and I miss her.”
My cheeks hurt from smiling, as I hug them all the best I can. “Thank you, Liam. I missed you, too. The rest of you I haven’t known for long but feel like I have my entire life. It’s always been me and dad against the rest of the world. And it means everything that you dropped your lives for us.” Glancing at Jax, asking if I can share our news, he nods. “And to make it all official… when Jax asked me to marry him last night, I said yes!”
Everyone is quiet for a moment before a chorus of congratulations explodes with laughter, hugs, and slaps on the back for Jaxton. Their excitement over having a sister mirror mine by gaining four brothers. Before I can blink, I’m lowered to a chair, as the guys fill the surrounding seats. Jaxton to my right, Cash to the left, the twins pouting across the table at their stolen placements, and Kam gazing down at us and his feast with pride.
“Comfort food. That’s our theme tonight. Gumbo, potatoes, steak, grilled chicken, a few vegetables, and plenty of dessert. Dig in everyone!”
Jax stands and grabs my plate. “What do you want, Kitten? I’ll get you set, so you don’t have to reach.”
My hands cup my belly, rubbing and licking my lips in anticipation. “Give me a small portion of everything.” The sly smirk that tips my lips extracts chuckles around the room.
“You got it.” He adds the perfect size portions evenly on my plate. “You craving this type of food could mean you’re having a boy.” His golden suns flicker up and lock on mine while setting the plate of heaven down in front of me.
“Maybe.” A twinkle of mischief lights my eyes, not letting on that I’ve had dreams about our baby, and she is most definitely not a boy. But they’re only dreams, since we waited to know until the bean is born.
“Do you have a preference?” Kam bites into his gumbo, humming in appreciation of his own cooking.
“For me, no. Happy and healthy is all I ask.” A piece of chicken goes in my mouth, moaning as it explodes in flavor.
Jax leans over and kisses the side of my head, agreeing. “Either is fine with me, which is why I’m glad we don’t know. We can experience it together.” At that moment, Bean does a few flips, tickling laughter free.
“The baby is enjoying the food, too, Kam.” Eating with one hand and rubbing the belly with the other is a practiced skill—one I’m quickly mastering.
The glowing smile that stretches around his full mouth is adorable. “You’re both welcome. Eat as much as you can. I’ll pack the rest away in the fridge for leftovers, so if you’d like a snack later tonight, it’s there.”