Page 112 of Wrathful Malice
“I can answer that,” she says, and then she lifts her head and smiles at me. “Oh good, you’re awake. How are you feeling?”
“How’d you know what I asked?”
Jez points to a Bluetooth device in her ear. “I’m tapped into the intercom and security system.” She points to a camera in the corner of the room.
“Dammit, those aren’t supposed to be on in our rooms unless it’s an emergency,” Malice snarls.
“And I figured Apple fighting for her life was an emergency,” Jez quips with a shrug. “Sorry.” She levels her gaze on me again and repeats, “How are you feeling?”
I snuggle into Malice’s side. “Much better than I was.”
“You were saying… about an answer,” Soul says before anyone else can speak.
“Oh, yeah.” Jez walks over to Soul and turns her laptop, showing him the screen. His eyes darken, and his scowl deepens as Jez continues. “Like Abyss said, you were drugged with Xylazine aka Zombie-heroine aka Tranq. Also like he said, it’s primarily used by vets, but it’s also the latest drug sweeping the West Coast.”
“It causes low blood pressure, drowsiness, amnesia, and breathing issues,” Abyss inserts. “After long periods of use, it can cause sores to erupt all over your body, making the person resemble a zombie. But whoever was giving it to you wasn’t trying to get you high.” He exchanges a look with Malice before continuing. “They intended to kill you. The levels of the drug in your system were way too high to be anything else.”
I shudder, thinking of how close I came to death.
“Who. Gave her. The damn drug?” Soul demands.
“Looks like Kyle Bishop purchased the drug.” Jez sets the computer down on the dresser and starts typing away. “His parents own horses in northern Nevada, so it wouldn’t look suspicious for him to buy Xylazine.”
Goosebumps break out over my arms as the gravity of her revelation hits me like a ton of bricks.
Kyle… but why?
No. It doesn’t make sense.
What about the recording contract?
I’m so stunned and wrapped up in my own thoughts that I don’t feel Malice leave the bed.
“That mother fucker!” he roars, before charging out of the room. “I’ll fucking kill him.” His voice echoes off the walls.
Mark narrows his eyes and storms after his brother, leaving me shocked at their reaction. I open my mouth to yell for them to come back, but the words stick in my throat.
Grim squeezes my shoulder before exiting the room, and he’s followed closely by Abyss. Soul leans over Cece and gives her a quick kiss. Then he looks at me, his eyes hard and calculating.
“We’ll take care of it,” he says as he hurries out the door to catch up with the others.
“It’ll be okay,” Cece says, trying to be reassuring.
Jez plops down on the bed next to me. “That asshole will be sorry he ever fucked with you.”
I sag against the pillows, exhausted from information overload.
“You need to rest,” Cece says. “I can tell you not to worry, but I know you won’t listen. So just try to get some sleep.”
I try to keep my eyes open, but my eyelids are too heavy. I drift off, knowing I’m gonna need my energy when Malice and Mark return, hopefully with Kyle.
I can’t wait to watch him suffer.
“You can’t do this!”
Tightening my grip on the length of rope that’s attached to Kyle’s bound wrists, I drag Kyle out of the back of the van, and when his body hits the concrete floor of the garage with a thud, I smirk. I would’ve preferred him dead by now, but Soul, Grim, Mark, and I had to wait eight hours at Harry Reid International for his flight to come in. Motherfucker’s escaped the reaper long enough.
I really need to talk to Mark and Soul about my brother prospecting.