Page 51 of Rival Hero
Klein’s behavior has been sketchy. Frequent calls taken in secret. Constantly checking his phone and rudely doing so in a position where I can’t peek over his shoulder to see the screen. The nerve.
With all the animosity and tension between us, his behavior is growing increasingly suspicious. What if he’s conspiring to get me canned?
I haven’t forgotten how he threatened to get rid of me that first day in the break room. He’s clearly not gotten over what happened between us, and I have an inkling that he’s angling for something.
And dammit, I want to stay here.
Not only are Tomer and I clicking like crazy, but I’m digging up intel for some of the cases being fed to us from the Clearwater PD. I’m making a difference, and it feels really fucking good.
I want to make peace with Klein, but he won’t let me. I’ve tried repeatedly, yet he shuts me down before I even get close to an apology or explanation.
He’s up to something. I justknowhe’s going to fuck me out of this job. And that’s not the kind of fucking I’m interested in from him.
I’m going to find out what his plan isright friggedy frucking now.
Once I’m in my office, I close the door for privacy. After a few clicks, I can see Klein by the elevators, talking to Shep. There’s a hint of tension between them. Shep’s giving him a stern glare with his broad arms crossed.
My inner pimp regrets not knowing how to read lips. I wonder if there’s a Rosetta Stone course on lipreading.
There’s no audio from that video feed, which is a huge oversight on Big Al’s part. I’ve already included that in my list of recommendations to beef up things around here. As secure as this place is, it’s not perfect.
While I’m waiting for Shep and Klein to get into the elevator— which does have a microphone for audio— I split the screen and open the GPS tracking for the Redleg fleet to see where he’s been running off to.
Ever since my first day, it’s beenkillingme not to investigate why he flew out of here in a hurry, only to return a few hours later without an explanation before promptly picking a fight with me.
But I’ve been agoodgirl— mentally pats self on head— and suppressed my need to investigate his disappearance. I respected his privacy and upheld my vow to be the new and improvedtrustingMia. The 2.0 version.
But not today.
Today is about self-preservation. Most experts say that it’s okay to put yourself first. If you don’t believe me, look it up.
Klein and Shep are still talking by the elevator bank while I access the log from Klein’s SUV and track the route he took on my first day at Redleg.
Wait, wait, wait. That’s not a residential street. Where did he go? To get gas? Rob a drugstore? What’s over there?
Toggling over to Google Earth, I determine he stopped at a CVS drugstore for twenty-seven minutes.
If he was picking up a prescription, that’s a really long wait. And I don’t think he’s on any meds unless that’s a new thing since I last did… umm… research on him.
Shut up. It’s technically research.
While thinking how to best see what he was doing there for that long, I’m interrupted as Shep and Klein enter the elevator, so I return my focus to the video. I swap to the elevator camera feed, selecting the right car and turning on the volume.
And this is why you close the office door before doing shady shit, boys and girls.
Shep asks Klein, “How do you know Mia? You never told me.”
Oh shit.Abort! Abort!
Shep, that isnotany of your business. Do not pump that cake-assed man about me.
And yes, I know how hypocritical that is, given Klein hates me because I pumped him for information. If you’re trying to make me feel guilty, take a number, sweetheart.
My only hope is that Klein deflects Shep’s questioning, thus concealing the reason I’m a cuntasaurus rex.
And if he does, I hope Shep can eventually forgive me.
Not as much as I want Klein to forgive me, though. Yet even as I crave his absolution, I continue invading his privacy. Literally at this exact moment. That’s what cuntasauruses do, after all.